Scott The Robot

While the cardigans looks warm, from what I've heard, I think vests might be a safer choice.

Atmosphere lyrics do not qualify as demographic statistics.

I think it's surprising when ANY sportsball player is 'well-spoken' or 'articulate' - regardless of skin color. Any time a guy whose job it is to get hit in the head repeatedly comes off sounding smart, he deserves cred.

Man, I'd gopher her.

Erik Spoelstra looked petrified. I don't blame him.

From Kayla Knapp:

Where did this idea that Sherman is "smart" come from? Because he went to Stanford and majored in "communications" and then got accepted to grad school so they could keep him eligible for another year? Does anyone really think Stanford is somehow above FSU, ND, Alabama, etc when it comes to getting this nitwits

[MLK Day] Fixed: Skiing Through African-American Snow Produces Some Stunning Visuals.

This doesnt make any sense...

Pretty sure that's been photoshopped everyone. Let's point out the evidence:

When asked if she is Keyshawn in disguise, she said "Two weeks...two weeks...two...WEEKS..."

This is all sorts of stupid.

The best part of this whole thing is that bad people all end up looking bad. ARod, the Yankees and Bud Selig look like self-interested scum and Deadspin looks like a bunch of sanctimonious douche nozzles, manufacturing outrage for the sake of page views, all with jowls shuddering in righteous indignation. Now go buy

What's funny is he's not an Eagles fan. But yeah, "DUUURRR, how dare you write an article trying to analyze the objective success that a team that's not mine is currently achieving? HOMER, DERPY DERP DERP!"