Scott The Robot

I'm almost to the point that a shit movie that's supposed to be shit doesn't warrant this kind of attention. How good was Scary Movie 5 intended to be?

but they were still all pretty good, save for maybe the one with Samuel L. Jackson

"None of the Die Hard movies after the first one had much reason to exist, but they were still all pretty good, save for maybe the one with Samuel L. Jackson."

Corked Batula

Is Morten Andersen the best Dutch kicker in NFL History?

Is Darell McNabb the worst clutch tweeter in NFL History?

There's also a blanket inducted, which is fucking weird. That's DEFINITELY not a toy.

Trading Quarterbacks

17 years in the NFL combined and they both still wear those wristbands.

Eh, I'm disappointed. This is just an ordinary terrible Jay Leno joke. I thought he said something really tasteless or something.

"This is a ridiculous claim by OTL. The Tour has been non-profit for at least 10 years now."


Just to clear things up, Chester and Kige Ramsey are not the same person, though they are blood relatives

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This is the same guy who blamed Kentucky's trip to the NIT last year on "liberal socialism". Pure radio gold:

Tell Mr. Evans that Walt Disney died in 1966.

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Do you want to hear the terrifying truth...or do you want to see me sock a few dingers???