Scott The Robot

Lady: I wonder if his dick is as red as his face? How hard could it be go for drinks and then ditch his accountant?

When he leaves, the last excuse to use the team nickname goes with him.

For $100k I am throwing it however the fuck gets me that money.

I had no idea that Sally Jesse Raphael was a USC alum...

60 times? That just blows my mind... You would think somewhere between the 3rd and 10th visit should have been enough to arrest her...

I am no lawyer, but I am pretty confident that is totally legally binding. See the case of Grandma v Nigerian Prince.

Chris Davis disagrees.


Going to let us ALL SLIDE for thinking we are cool with our moderately witty comments posted on a Saturday night. Good job, us.

Mike Tomlin would have stopped this.

Bald cover-up, barbed wire tat, Durant jersey guy steals the show. His fist pumping emotion was the piece de resistance for me.

"so your saying there's a chance?"

In Soviet Russia Olympic torch light you.

Putin was shocked and appalled that there was a flaming man holding the torch, but was relieved to hear that escorts were on hand to set him straight.

A Song Of Ice And Fire

People seem to be participating in "Dead Spin."

Well, November is NFL's "Buy More Licensed Gear Because We Dress Our Shit in Camo Unless You Hate 'Merica" Month.

Voted no - not because it isn't hilarious or exceptional, but because it's derivative of another nominee. This tweet is most appropriately considered as part of the general Lenny Kekua saga and not as a discrete event.

It is pronounced pi-kahn, a pee-can is what a trucker uses on a long drive.