Scott Schwerdtfeger

Is this a reference to Tut, in which he played the very same role in the kingdom, sans Nth-metal?

Another title for this episode: Dense Assholes

This show is just so good on so many levels. Building up all of the tensions and the dread of the show while maintaining a light, fun air about it. That's pretty impressive in the current TV landscape.

In The Flash Harrison Wells mentioned Batman one time so it would stand to reason that he exists in this universe, as well as Superman.

We now need Arrow to pull some time-relocation and make Lance Philip Marlowe. That would be amazeballs!

When Kara said at the end that the world no longer has only one superhero (referring to her cousin, Supes the Boy Scout), that made me tilt my head a bit. Since she works at a media company, including a news organization, how could she not have heard about The Flash and The Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow? I know the producers

Hiding in trees, gettin' awkward.

I think she was about to, before he cut her off. Ron's in on it, too.

They will come for your guns, your prescribed haircuts, and your tortoises!

There's enough room! Obviously, since the place is too big to defend!

At first I was thinking that Enid and Ron let the Wolves in. When she was talking to Carl about Alexandria being too big to defend, she said "We—" and then Carl cut her off. Part of me still thinks that, even after they found Aaron's pack with the pictures. These kids just seemed like super-depressed teenagers who

He's like $50k in debt, per the Dr. Phil walk-off.

It's actually Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I thought the same as you, though.

Jamie's nickname for Claire "Sassenach" has reached it's most complex meaning so far. She's not only a foreigner to this land but this time and their marriage. But the fact that now he understands how truly foreign she is to him and doesn't push her away out of spite but out of love makes me like him even more.

The script is actully available online. I think it's a full script.

How dod you forget about something where "Everything Is Awesome"? Isn't that the Academy message, when even Norbit gets a fucking Oscar nod?! (Granted, that was for makeup, which was well-done for the one thing it was nominated for: Asian Eddie Murphy)

Except for the Lego Movie, which was released in February. Maybe that's why it didn't get nominated?

The crazy thing was that Bradley Cooper was nominated for literally nothing else this awards cycle, and Oyelowo gets what the little bird left on the rock. Though he did get to cry his eyes out.

The world is too cruel for such marginal musical aptitude (in my part, anyway) in a B&W tribute/love video.

My first girlfriend and I were really into each other and I hadn't ever felt that love for someone so I made a video of me singing Extreme's "More Than Words" with my best friend on guitar and backup vocals (she knew him as well). It kinda became our song and after I broke up with her I had a hard time listening to