Scott Schwerdtfeger

Am I the only person who has to say "Leviathan" like Castiel when he's about to have hundreds of chest-bursters?

I'm sad to see him leave mainly because I was looking forward to "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" being followed by "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson." Imagine how many yuks, laughs and guffaws would've been had by that combo. Plus, he is a wonderful host and he busts every convention you can think of, which

Could be. Which could leave open the return of Deathstroke as a member of the Suicide Squad (as if we didn't see that shit coming). Maybe they'll tell us how he got black arrows since he should only have access to red and green.

If he did end up killing her, they would have to explain a few things. One, why would he kill her, as he had zero reason to. Two, how would he have the strength to throw three arrows into her chest unless he was on mirakuru (which was cured at the end of S2)? Three, where would he have gotten black arrows like those

*excited claps bouncing around the room* Yay! I just kinda assumed it was 13 since Fox is becoming a cable network, basically (though they did just order 22 episodes of Gotham).

Hawley is basically a less compassionate Nathan Drake (white henley, shoulder holster, jeans, rogue attitude). I agree that we didn't need to see him immediately after we met him though they might be trying to squeeze as much from him as they can in this season's 13-episode plot (Henry's unwitting agent, for example).

I was shocked and nearly cried when he was killed! He was such a great character and he will be dearly missed (though we can hear his voice on every episode of "This Football Life").

Rosita looks like a hispanic Lara Croft. Short-shorts, two-guns, bad-ass attitude (at least we assume she has that). Haven't read the comics so I'm curious what these new characters' deal is.