Scott Scarsdale

I bet they all have interesting online dating profiles.
They look like a sketch comedy team from 2008.

Judgment Day can't be stopped, only postponed.

A hyphen can help in many circumstances. I was all like "What's a bioga?"

Three weeks and this movie will be cancelled. The premise just doesn't sell tickets.


Women's teams yelling HARD!

Bull Buchanan needs to fire his agent.

Scrooge probably doesn't report all his income. He runs an obviously cash heavy operation, being he has a money bin.

Will he be a VW bug again?

The name you musn't touch! No you musn't touch!

Is that Richard Dreyfus as Old Burt Kenbury in "Graffiti Wars"? That would be awesome.

Lifetime already had a 2 hour movie about this. How will 8 hours make it any better?

25 years later, and the irony of Ice-T playing a cop has yet to wear thin.

Meanwhile, Megyn Kelly dusts off her resume again…

…but I'm feeling much better now.

He stopped dying his hair after the shooting.

"It's hard to find new ways to swear."
Which is 75% of the dialog in the first place.

Did they hire the Beer Baron?

George has to take out the Uniblab.

I learned the joke as: "Who was the black guy on The Jetsons? Isn't the future great?"
It can also be adapted for The Flintstones.