Scott Mortensen

I was going to say the mainstream Marvel Universe. It's pretty much just the real world unless you live in New York City, but with better news. Though the achievements of normal joe in North Dakota aren't worth much (going to Mars is so simple I don't think anyone remembers who went there first, that's small potatoes

Maybe he'll just use it as an oppurtunity to do weird opening sketches with a big budget and lots of available celebrities.

If you listen around the 2:45 mark, it becomes clear that the AV club offices are either under a train line or a nearby airport runway. As generally happens, they have become completely used to it.

Jesus, were you molested by a comic book fan or something? Did you just step off the time machine from the early Reagan-era, become shocked that the geeks had now won and were so predominant, successful and powerful that the concept of an obsessive genre-fiction fan no longer held any negative connontations? Were you

I still watch every episode of Conan, either live or DVR'd. Conan is comfort television to me, a bit may not even be funny and I'll still like the chemistry he has with Andy and his guests. He has learned to cultivate an enjoyable atmosphere that I've been a huge fan of since around 1995. You are not the sum total of

Well, thats the side of the story you're getting. Perhaps he's just like "Jesus, alright already! I guess we can do this…"

Studies show that you can have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, why not sexuality? That doesn't mean you're going to be an alcoholic, but if you try it and like it, it can quickly take over from there.
I'm not entirely comfortable equating a form of love with a horrible addiction, but the nature vs. nurture

He's kind of assuming that it's a turn on or power play by the guy though, as opposed to an empathetic fuck. That doesn't mean she should stay with him, because she clearly doesn't turn him on anymore.

Well, I personally have a lot of trouble having an orgasm with a condom on, and I can't imagine that I am alone in that. But I've never had a random hookup either, and I don't generally enjoy intercourse that much. But of course I still do it.
The latest person I've been with no longer has a uterus, so it weighs on me

I think the reason that soccer is so insufferably boring to watch is because the field is about twice the size that it should be. Theres an awful lot of running and not much scoring. The most exciting part is that the fans riot regardless of whether their team wins or loses.

Well, isn't that fairly useful? I haven't put enough research into it to estimate, but I've thought about it and I can do more than just take a wild guess.

I'm downvoting you for caring so much about the one-click popularity contest of disqus. You'd better be careful, just 28 more downvotes and the crystal in your palm starts flashing red and we have to euthanize you for the good of society.

And might I just add, whenever I visit Winnipeg, I understand perfectly well that "Life is a Highway." But I don't want to ride it all night long if it's nothing but flat treeless corn fields.

I really wish nobody had mentioned this song, because it is an instant earworm. It's been stuck in my head since I read the title of the article earlier. I even caught myself whispering "I'm the kinda guy that laughs at a funeral" while making a turkey sandwich.

I don't see how, say, a character like Moon Knight, or Sleepwalker, or Jessica Jones, would be any more out of place than the guy with Extremis. It's had super powered characters since the pilot, they just aren't tapping into their actual pool of characters.

Sometimes I find it reassuring that there's always a new generation of guilt-ridden leftist ideologues to replace us when we grow jaded and old and stop caring about the future of the human race. But sometimes, especially on the internet, I find it irritating as hell.

Yes, but even from the begining they were more diverse than any of those groups, or the relative newcomers like 'The Whitest Kids you Know' or now 'The Birthday Boys'. Look at the original cast.…
By comparison to any other sketch groups (including 'In Living Color') the list of Saturday

Did Eric Thurm know the extent the AV Club was going to be revelling in nostaligia pieces on 1993 this week before he decided to take a stand against the 90's nostaligia cycle? Are you just being a contrarian to the rest of your website?

Did she keep the penis, or horribly mangle it and turn it inside out?

I think the vast majority of its usage is on the internet in the first place. I frankly doubt that a single queer person I know has ever heard the term. If someone uses the term I will ask them what blog or message board they cribbed it from.