
Ah yes, so many Dark Tower references I see just in this review alone.

The Shining was the first horror movie I watched, and for some reason my dad MADE me watch it, though he emphatically denies that fact to this day. It fucked me up something fierce.

But that book is so good. I listened to it on audible. I can definitely see why this material resonated over the years with so many.

Heh. When we were kids we’d go to my grandparents’ place for a week in the summer, just to give my parents a break (and we loved our grandparents dearly, and they liked to spoil us, so it was a vacation for us, too). Grandma would take us to whatever movies we wanted to see- at that time, my little brother (10) and

This. I still have nightmares about this, and I’m well into my forties now.

Funny story though, the first time that I saw it it scared the hell out of me, and I was afraid to go to bed. My parents finally got me to go to sleep. I woke up a bit later in my room to something scratching at the window. I turned to to look

Sorry. Had to go there. 

Wolves get such a bad rap. They are totally fine as long as people leave them alone.

Here’s a bit of advice:

Oops - forgot Josh Trank! I’m glad we have Kennedy at the helm, averting disasters *checks notes* that she hired.

Bad take.
The last season was terribly written and it had nothing to do with it not ending the way we liked. You enjoying it is fine - you dismissing criticism because you enjoyed it is not fine, just childish.

The problem wasn’t how it ended, it was the execution (which was rushed and perfunctory).

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

That is a totally bullshit reductive take on the criticisms of the last season, and you know it. 

It’s more plausible Netflix wrote Benioff and Weiss a reality check that they didn’t ink a $200m deal to get in line behind Disney and wait 5-7 years for the Chuckle Brothers to start delivering content.

I think it goes pretty far beyond “they made a bad pilot”. Yes, the end product was good once they got up and running, but let’s not kid ourselves about who all contributes to making a show like that successful. Game of Thrones became the phenomenon it was because it was based on a good story (thanks GRRM). It had

I want a Star Wars murder mystery. Directed by Rian Johnson. And starring Daniel Craig as the same Stormtrooper from The Force Awakens.

I’d say 50% of a good show.

As predicted, Disney saw the final season of GOT and said “dear God, what have we done?”.

“Of course, Benioff and Weiss were the brains behind not just Game of Thrones,”

It’d be so hilarious to me if that turns out to be the case. If not his trilogy, then a series on Disney+ or something. Either way, him staying.