
Some idiot showed up with a rifle ready to storm a pizza parlor basement based on nonsense from other internet dummies. Imagine how many motivated idiots are going to want to hunt down this “spy” that the President asked them to kill.  

He still keeps his private security around even when he’s in the White House. If he has his freedom after he leaves office, the only thing he’ll use his Secret Service detail for is renting out offices and golf carts and seats on his plane. 

They’re playing reddit detective again, and no one is even going to try and make a “Trump’s Deep Throat” meme?  

Ugh, honestly? Hopefully it’s some of the whistleblower’s very scary colleagues standing next to him reminding the committee members that there is more than one person who works at the CIA.  

Now playing

I can’t wait for the Trump deposition where he claims he can’t read the transcript he released, and he doesn’t know what it says because the print is so small but he doesn’t want a large-print copy.

Shut the fuck up, troll.  

He’s a dumb troll who mainly parrots whatever conservative bullshit isn’t edgy enough for the Blaze.

“You don’t have Rudy to kick around any more!” It’s practically the backbone of modern conservatism.

Now playing

I always liked the sequel’s theme by Bob Seger more. Also topical:

Someone was talking about how, even a year ago, people were reluctant to join the Trump administration because the legal fees for being called before congress run into the tens of thousands of dollars to just show up and say “no comment/executive privilege” over and over again. And that was way before last week’s

I assume it’s not tech issues so much as the people who think it’s great to have trolls “driving conversation” with shit posts here have also decided that users getting bogged down following a 50+ comment chain aren’t running their eyes over new ads.  Better to only show the first 5 comments and hide the rest, right?  

Yeah, is there a reason you can’t see threads unless you follow a direct link from someone’s profile?

This will go to the courts, and the case will be “We asked and gave him a reasonable time to comply.  Then we subpoena’d and gave him a reasonable time to comply, then we voted him in contempt and had the House Sgt at Arms arrest him at 0530 and walk him to the House chambers in his bathrobe.”  That’s a much better

I guess when they turn off the lights Friday night all the cockroaches come out.

I hope it’s a live action show but they animate Trump. 

Trump would absolutely throw American interests over the side if it meant Putin doesn’t tell people Trump has a small penis. 

Trump will be the guy on his cell block claiming he beat one of the charges and the other charge was bogus and so what if he was found guilty on the other 48 counts?

“No jail time!  Complete exonoration!”

Oh, gosh, I think I’d shoot the first person I saw and anyone standing next to him, too!

Imagine a firefighter dropping a baby and running away from a burning building because “I was real scared.”  Cops are the only profession where “I freaked out and killed some people” isn’t seen as a disqualification for future employment.