
What’s really hilarious is that these are the same knuckle-dragging, cousin-fucking, mouthbreathers who are the first to call anyone who says “Hey, maybe you shouldn’t be a racist piece of shit” a snowflake. They are also the group that is far and away the whiniest on social media about the lockdown. I am so done with

It has been THE news story here in Birmingham, and damn. I remember when the news first started showing the image at the top of the article, something about it really effected me. I think it’s because in that one, she is the epitome of adorable and sweet, and the gummy bears in her hand sell it completely. This is

One of the many fucked up things about this is that, as the family pointed out in the press conference, several other people in the area drew their weapons out as well. How many of them were shot? One, and that was EJ, and I would bet good money that many if not all of the others who weren’t shot were white dudes,

That part about Hoover schools hating aparement dwellers is true, and I know that as a white kid, so I can’t imagine how tough it was for the black and Latino kids either. I lived in some apartments(they are now condos) near Simmons middle school, where I went to school for two years before we moved, and yeah the

Unless you live in the “appropriate” i.e. majority white parts of Hoover, (looking at you Greystone) then they only pop up when someone who is scary and brown or not driving the right car happens to be in the neighborhood.

So I live near Hoover, and allI can say is fuck Hoover and Hoover PD so hard. I am obviously a goofy ass white dude, but HPD profiles hardcore. The worst example that comes to mind is, while working at a retail store in Hoover, one of our managers was sitting in his car in the parking lot talking on the phone before

Proof that the old saying is correct “baseball is wrong, a man with four balls can not walk”

Welp now my surname fades into obscurity yet again.

I will say this was far and away the toughest mission. I managed to get through it with five players, none of them on my friends list as of that mission but I added the two other guys who were talking. I had Montana and another player was ISIC, and we both blocked the core with ourselves and kept a flash trap on the

Well seeing as how toradol is an NSAID ,like Motrin or aspirin but much stronger. You really can't ban it. It would be insane and way too expensive to test and/or ban non opiate painkillers.

How dare you like something I don't! I will respond to every last comment that said anything remotely nice about it by being horribly negative and not bringing up and specific examples and just saying "all the times." I guessing you had a bad experience with this model, but the vehemence at which you are raging


Well, this whole situation is depressing, so here is Nova, Auburn's youngest golden eagle, to cheer everyone up.

For generalizations sake: Ford Panther platform

Old: The little old man/woman going 25 who has had their blinker on for the past 15 miles

New "Just shut up ok? It was like $500, has only 50,000 miles, and the air fresheners really knock out the old person smell"

So, after straining my eyes, I can't find UAB (Blazers) They are not under mythological (mascot is a dragon) or nature. Has anyone had better luck?

Mine is A Berserk Nun. I chose it because I thought I was witty and not so much, but eh, it kind of fits my play style.