
Hey now, I've always been out and about.

What’s really hilarious is that these are the same knuckle-dragging, cousin-fucking, mouthbreathers who are the first to call anyone who says “Hey, maybe you shouldn’t be a racist piece of shit” a snowflake. They are also the group that is far and away the whiniest on social media about the lockdown. I am so done with

It has been THE news story here in Birmingham, and damn. I remember when the news first started showing the image at the top of the article, something about it really effected me. I think it’s because in that one, she is the epitome of adorable and sweet, and the gummy bears in her hand sell it completely. This is

Actually the Mycenaeans had an alphabet, it is called Linear-B. 

No, because prehistory is broadly defined as the time from which humans first evolved to written word. Unfortunately, we have sparse written records even from climates that would be condusive to things like written records being preserved, i.e., the Hitties. Bronze is harder to make than copper, and tin is about as

Yeah, don’t think they are fossilized. Hate to be further pedantic George, but if it’s the Bronze Age, it ain’t prehistoric. We haven’t found written records for this area...yet. the technological leap needed to make Bronze is huge, and there is strong evidence that South and Central Europe traded tin (one of the two

So heads up, don't do what I did and casually look up the wikipedia for Endgame. Someone posted the entire damn plot of the film. It is obviously unconfirmed as of yet, but what I have read seems to make sense.

One of the many fucked up things about this is that, as the family pointed out in the press conference, several other people in the area drew their weapons out as well. How many of them were shot? One, and that was EJ, and I would bet good money that many if not all of the others who weren’t shot were white dudes,

That part about Hoover schools hating aparement dwellers is true, and I know that as a white kid, so I can’t imagine how tough it was for the black and Latino kids either. I lived in some apartments(they are now condos) near Simmons middle school, where I went to school for two years before we moved, and yeah the

Unless you live in the “appropriate” i.e. majority white parts of Hoover, (looking at you Greystone) then they only pop up when someone who is scary and brown or not driving the right car happens to be in the neighborhood.

So I live near Hoover, and allI can say is fuck Hoover and Hoover PD so hard. I am obviously a goofy ass white dude, but HPD profiles hardcore. The worst example that comes to mind is, while working at a retail store in Hoover, one of our managers was sitting in his car in the parking lot talking on the phone before

I will use another old axiom for you. If you hear hoofbeats, and you aren't in Africa, don't immediately assume it's zebras. I know it's fun to speculate and say "Wow wouldn't it be fun if..." but that's just not how science actually works. Also, any scientist worth their salt will never tell you that it something is

Mainly because space is so damn huge, that if an extraterrestrial society was capable of that range of interstellar flight, why wouldn’t they at least say hi? Also if they are that technologically advanced, we really don’t want them poking around here, because on Earth, when two societies meet, the less technology

Proof that the old saying is correct “baseball is wrong, a man with four balls can not walk”

Ok first off, the US Constiution says diddly squat about any company or person banning you from talking on their website. Secondly, “nobodies with fame” is not a great arguement because many people listen to famous people,and atake what they say into account. Is it right or good to follow what someone famous says?

I’d like to post my crazy ass theory as to all this. What if when Archer wakes up from a coma it is right after he saved the gang from drowning way back before Archer Vice, thereby retconning everything from then? As much as the team behind Archer care about continuity, it would be a hell of a thing to pull off.

Was hoping someone would post this

It would have been great to have him back for the episode, and please don’ think I am disparaging John Hurt in any way, but why was the war Doctor needed? McCann has pretty much always been down to bring back 8 and he has aged enough to see like his Doctor had seen some stuff, man. Has anyone read a reason from anyone

Eh Mr Gaiman just bought into the local folklore. Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham really didn’t have any more deaths than any other steel mill during the late 1800s, but after it was shut down as a steel mill it has taken on a second life as a concert venue most of the year, and as a haunted house during Halloween. That

I for one punished myself and watched his western movie. Part of his lack of appeal to me is that he doesn’t know when to stop a joke. The one that comes to mind is when Sarah Silverman’s prostitute character enters a scene coming from work and someone asks her to sit down, and she says” no thanks” and gives a pained