
this this this. I’m an old person and I just don’t ever remember batters ever before needing to readjust every piece of their equipment between every pitch. At bats become this weird Buddhist mindfulness exercise where every batter has to, after every fouled off pitch, retune his focus on the 8-fold path.

As a fellow instructor (in rhetoric), I applaud this unbelievably well-reasoned response. I may share it with my class.

I’ll never forget being at the Tibetan Freedom Concert in the 90s (I’m old) and thinking if you’d told me in 1986 to choose one contemporary band that would be the standard bearers for Tibet (and other progressive causes), I would have picked them last.

See Boys, Beastie for additional proof

Concussions aren’t the cause of CTE - it’s sub-concussive impacts made from repeated collisions. Concussions are easy to diagnose and treat - and number (Troy Aikman has somewhat an idea of his concussions but NO idea of the sub-concussive impacts he’s taken.)

Agreed. There’s a difference between...say Jim Otto’s busted knees, though, or even a lot of the messed up backs/ligaments from dudes in the WWE, and Terry Long drinking antifreeze or Duerson/Seau/etc unable to function...

No. Atlanta was amazing. Philly was impressive and so was beating the St. Louis Rams a long time ago. I hate Tom Brady but I love Football Tom Brady, because statistically, he’s an outlier that makes Philip K. Dick prescient.

As a hardcore Morrowind fan, I wish I’d been able to warn you.

This is beautiful and so much more eloquent than I could have ever said it.

I just went through and starred everyone who disagreed with the main premise. Books, like record albums - or even *gasp* - old video game boxes are portals, material artifacts which not only signify, but also represent a boundless, eternal escape towards freedom. They’re playful artifacts which remind us we are the

Pirates of the Caribbean is the greatest theme park attraction of all-time. It’s the reason to go to DL. Space Mountain is cool, Pirates is sublime.

Laugh all you want guys, but Rob Johnson is still the greatest QB in the Hall of Fame.

Yeah. Mariah Carey has an amazing voice, but that doesn’t make what she does art or compelling. FFS, am I that guy? I do think Gris looks (and feels) spectacular, but I am more curious if it all comes together.

The directors of Outer Worlds (Cain and Boyarsky) were two of the primaries on might be right, quite frankly, I’m still confused what OW is, but I don’t think I’ve played a bad Obsidian game, so I’m still curious.

I think it’s too late. Also, isn’t it the PR/marketing team’s job to manage expectations and not mine :) I’m still confused as to the RPG elements of the game will be...vastness isn’t as important as capturing some of the mechanics we’ve lost in each FO iteration.

I got mine last month; I just got it to play Zelda and some classic JRPGs. It’s awesome for what I want, and even if they never release another game for it, the back catalog is enough to keep me busy.

From what I’m reading about this game, this is the least of its problems.

I ain’t saying he’s right. But, I find it weird that his anti-establishment takes on baseball have now become so establishment we find him the old cranky man.

Not to be a shill, but Dr. Sears’ book on Child Discipline is terrific. We’re not Sears sycophants, but the amount of tips and tricks in there has been terrific.

Totally disagree, from LFG to Quest Markers, I think the game is a lot worse. It’s not a bad game, and I get I’m not your usual player, but this is subjective. My mates and I stopped playing because of all the changes that didn’t match the original design philosophies.