
I’m not objective as a Raider fan, but I truly think it’s unlikely Oaklamd is going and Carson stadium will be built. It’s looking like it will be LA sooner, and maybe San Diego joining them in Inglewood later.

We have the greatest team in the NFL, if you don’t count the whole win/loss thing.

As a Raider fan, who hates everything about the Forty-Whiners and is positively thrilled with their upcoming 0-16 season, Tomsula just made it (slightly) harder to root against them. I applaud the fact he was courageous enough to make that point, and show some humanity in such a corporate league.

What I don’t understand is how a sub-genre of the community of “gamers,” can be so horrific in their response to this.

Put me down as well for saying, play them first. It might be an easier learning curve with BG to be able to jump into PoE.

Ugh. The "F low carb diets" section is just completely incorrect. All of the science coming out basically shows that the influx of processed, easily-digestible carbs have made a large portion of society insulin-resistant causing a large part of society to become much larger.

I don't like this article, but I get that it's written from a good place.

this is the greatest internet comment of all-time.

I don't disagree that there are plenty of good ideas in this article, but they are based on the calories in-calories out theory which is becoming more and more debunked every day.

Colin Kaepernick is only 10 years old?

ps when i say railroadey, i don't mean the WoD content. I'm starting at level 1. I'll get there one day. but the worgen starting zone is. a. railroad. Fun one, though.

There's things about WoW that aren't as good, maybe, as they used to be - but I agree with this argument, completely. My only complaint is in some ways they've moved the needle a bit TOO far in the speed direction, which has taken away some of the exploration and poking around.

I like this column....but, I also like Peter King. The problem isn't Peter King, the problem is that 1) Paul Z can't write anymore and provide a much more solid, meatier, and significant counter-point and 2) the opposite side of King is Bayless/Smith et al.

"Spiritual successor?"

Are you mad? I live in SF - and every chance I get to get Yuengling, I jump at the chance. Did you know it's made in the oldest operating brewery in the US. My favorite beers, in order a) Guiness, b) Speak Easy's Prohibition (SF) c) Yuengling and d) Anchor Steam.

I like Arian Foster. But. I mean. He's not thinking this one through.

"Everyone just thinks sci-fi is future. Sci-fi is just alternate to me. It's just our version of the universe, an interesting universe, and I think one that's hopefully quite surprising and interesting to explore rather than our universe, which would be reasonably boring."

Perhaps the greatest Atari 2600 cart made. I have no idea what you're thinking. It was a game which actually provided an inventory, an actual narrative, a number of sophisticated puzzles - and even alternative solutions to those puzzles. On top of it all, the scoring gimmick of how high Indy gets remains innovative

Start with the first game in the series, The Longest Journey. Dreamfall was its...less spectacular, if still interesting, sequel. I have mixed feelings about both games, but Ragnar and co. certainly create fascinating worlds.

It makes me ill to think that FMV games are considered terrible. They're more imaginative, experimental, and often much, much stranger and more interesting than most games.