Scott Lynch

“in any act that, in Blizzard’s sole discretion, brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damages Blizzard image.”

This seems like something that should have been done a long ass time ago.

Let me tell you a little story about GM people, because the "culture" comes from the people and their attitudes, as you say, Patrick.

Want to grab a drink some time? I'm buying.

this is where they got the idea for punch drunk love, yes?

Does that mean the Chrysler 300 is a hundred times better?

I don't understand why people are so butthurt about the M3 name going away (and it kinda isn't, there's still going to be an M3 sedan). There are things far more important that worry me about BMW M cars than a name....such as the ever increasing weight, lack of steering feel, turbocharged engines, the M badge getting

So I guess you could say it's a fleshlight.

The typical Swatch looks of this watch are a total turn-off, unless you are going to an 80's party.

That thing wouldn't last long enough to be worth it. Replace it once every year or so and you're in the $ range of a decent handmade swiss watch. Get a Hamilton or an Oris, you'll have a better looking watch that will outlast 20 of these.

I'm going to jump to Adam Carolla's defense here: