Scott Lynch

This article needs more pictures of the sexy exterior of this car too. Hnnnnggggg


I would have picked the Ford RS200 over the Lancia... but that's just me.

I feel obligated to post this, as someone who worked for the webdesign company (defunct) that did this parody site.

He left Houston, not Jalopnik :)

I blame Hardigree's leaving.

Sounds like a V6 to me, but I dunno.

"The world is running out of space."

What are the energy loss percentages on the current methods used to create hydrogen? Unless something's changed, it's vastly more efficient to use the energy and put it in a lithium-ion battery than to use it to make hydrogen.

TL;DR - People have terrible reading comprehension, and mass media outlets are the worst at this.

Will you be my best friend?

I've never had trouble reading an analog clock, but I assumed the hard part was reading the minute hand because people can't multiply? How does this help them?

Looking back to the past isn't a bad thing, but Jaguar used to be overt with it. All cars had to have quad headlights and smell of wood. Then Jag went modern and refused to call back the past. Project 7 marks the realization on Jaguar's part that they can be both modern and retro at the same time, without shoving

Ok, so with very little research, it seems the author of the article has multiple science degrees, so hopefully it's not *his* brain that's being melted by this rather simple demonstration, which suggests that he has a REALLY low opinion of the average intelligence of his readers. So... thanks for that.

Per a friend that speaks Turkish, they're basically just saying "he's going to cause and accident."

The most obvious answer to this is the Subaru SVX.

As a budding "watch enthusiast" (I have a grand total of *two* automatic watches), I can't see myself being interested in this watch. Not because of the cost, because it's just awful to look at. If you want a $100 watch, there are better looking options out there (OH NOES, BATTERIES). If you want a nicer watch, there

If the argument here is "don't make everyone take calculus", then yes.. I agree.. but the idea is that you should stop trying to learn beyond the bare minimum education level for the career you're going to end up in, then that's just ludicrous, especially in mathematics. Science fields are cumulative in that as you

You know how I know you don't know what you're talking about? If Adam singles out *any* race for their parenting style, it's Mexicans, not blacks. And it's not so much "parenting style" as it is, "you have no business having kids if you're a broke-ass" and "two parents can't possibly provide for 10 children as well as