
Reminds me of mojo fries at Shakey’s.

This is very true. Any other news? Water still wet, details at 11:00. Guess you get paid by the word?

So the point of this was just to make themselves feel like they were doing something? I participate in this type of thing to help influence people by bringing attention to things other people may not be aware of for whatever reason. The reminds me of the old Dale Carnegie axiom that if you want to gather honey you

So what did this do to bring people who were not on the protestors side over to their way of thinking? Nothing. Probably did more harm than good.

Vote with your dollars kids, it’s that simple.

Depends on the area. The dispatchers in my area are trained to follow along.

This is why we are losing.

Always close you tab and sign off unless the bartender is your best friend and you trust them not to screw up the charges or pad you bill.

Most of our elected officials feel the same way. Can’t vote or give money? Who are you again? That’s nice kid (pat, pat, pat.)

That is a nice Republican level twist of language. Trump may have a job for you with this kind of work!

The problem is the majority of Americans really don’t care if an addict lives or dies as long as their life/death doesn’t cost them money.

So what do we do folks? That’s it! Vote! and Don’t assume its a no brainer and don’t vote, thats how we ended up with Lump as POTUS. I would be more worried about Nehlen. He has way to many people who can and would vote for him.

Your reading of this article reminds me of people who hear satanic messages when they play a song backwards. I guess you can always find something if you are actively looking for it.

This is real folks. We are losing German places in Milwaukee!!

So lie and make the star system useless?

Is this the opening act to a updated version of RENT?

To get to that point you need drunk driving and rifles. I am sure all of those things were there, GO PACK!

We can’t do ANYTHING in Wisconsin without beer and cheese.

It’s more an exception than the rule now. There is only one where I live and its in a Spanish speaking store. Luckily the butcher speaks better english than I speak Spanish.

I think portioning plays a bigger role in the attraction of these kits than you realize.