I am surprised this just came up? Did they date for a month before getting married? IS this married at first sight?
I am surprised this just came up? Did they date for a month before getting married? IS this married at first sight?
Being on this site is a bad start.
I tried getting some of the steel for condom molds.
This kind of things happens all the time just usually when the body is still in the coroners custody
Sorta dumb but if you dont like the service you don’t have to use it.
Logic and well thought out non-profane sentences have no power here! Run!
It wasn’t their race, it was their gender, duh!
That isn’t the majority of the city. Tosa and Shorewood aren’t even part of Milwaukee. I used to inspect properties in MLK and most of it is on the level of Detroit.
I lived on Cass for years. You can’t say that the further west you go things dont turn to crap till you hit Tosa.
Wow, I see why most of the world hates Americans.
I always thought he Kanye was a moron but it helps when he proves it.
I hate it when I find Asian Carp in my apples.
“You saved the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnance.” I don’t get the reference here????
Therapy, the guy needs therapy, not costly and risky surgery.
Before anyone says it, there is no such thing as a bio-degradable plastic bag. The company that made that claim with their bag got in big time legal trouble. Also, look at the loop hole most plastic bag bans have for what makes a re-usable bag. If I can find the link to the Chicago rules i will post it.
Maybe the crap pay and hours and the high number of drunks and druggies in the restaurant business are putting people off those cooking jobs??
No, I’ve gone to a couple dozen of the free games (or almost free games) with my kids over the past few years. The experience was ok once you got in the arena. Dodging the traffic and drunks on the way in wasn’t fun. Its a crap team from a crap town, let’s just call it as it is.
i doubt it
Being a Buck or Brewer doesn’t mean squat in Wisconsin. Be the third string water boy for the Packers and see how many free drinks you get.
So are the majority of Americans