
I hope you turn the ego down after Univision closes these sites. You can’t be that full of yourself in an interview.

Very sad. But here in the USA the majority of people give zero fucks.

But mac sauce is awesome with fresh hot fries

I’m sorry but isn’t this car too polluting and too unsafe to be legally driven in the USA?

My family owned a tavern (food was less than 25% of our sales) and we believed it was an adult place. The whole family was welcome at our summer picnic. Its like people who take their kids on vacation to Vegas and stay at Cesar’s, nope. That’s like taking a stripper to Disney World.

First, I was witness to the Madison protest and the a group of kids got rowdy and started crap. I saw it.

Wait, there is some place where drive through times are sub 5 minutes?

Here is the response from your average American small town:

Take note: These people are the average (and majority) American citizen. These are the people whose opinions you need to influence to change the course we are on.

It would be great if every restaurant owner read this. But since the ROI doesn’t exist for this type of training, Americans will stick the the bare legal minimums.

I wish I could make broad sweeping statements like you do. I would love to see you at a pow wow telling my native friends they are playing music that was invented by black people. Yes I know I am splitting hairs here.

you will still be working till you die at that rate

With the amount I can save at 4% return, I will have $80K when Ihit retirement age. By that time this will get me a bucket of KFC and a large coke.

I can’t imagine what you are going to do after Univision sells or shutters this site. Too bad no one publishes community papers anymore.

Of course they are going after the low hanging fruit. This should surprise no one. The movement needs more full, natural-born, US citizens at the front so the powers that be can’t use this tactic.

Vote with your dollars people!

Agreed. I have never heard it pronounced because no one of any ethnicity I know uses it.

Since most white people dont personally know any black people they gain their idea of what black life is like through movies and TV. Sadly there are more shows that play the stereotype that shows the reflect the reality.

Yeah Look at how many are from Wisconsin

Where i live its more about drinks than curling. Its like a bowling league with more chance of falling.