
Given that this is a technology/gadget blog, I kept waiting for the technology that was going to help with this situation, but to no avail... And this article is posted here because?

At least the music was awesome... or not...

which is why there appears to be such a kick to that gun. Hold it it right next time and it won't kick up on you so much... like the one by "ape_ck"

Need to add some foot pictures to the end of the video, or at least the shoes.

My initial skepticism of this was based on the fact that I didn't think they had equipment sensitive enough to measure this. Right again...

Here's the plan. See if you can spot the flaw...


Alright, since nobody has done the obligatory post yet, I guess I'll handle it this time...

Don't plan on hanging it from your neck all day.... you're going to want to hold it this way anyway....

Wow. I'm equally impressed by the camera's performance.

Don't look now, but I think this article just said that something was easier on a Windows computer than on a Mac... Let the battle begin...

Or a comment about an article about a product you don't need and have never heard of... Or a comment about a comment on an article ...

"PC Gaming Is Not Dead" has about the same ring to it as "This is not your Father's Oldsmobile", which really meant that it was, but that they were not willing to admit it yet. I'm not saying that PC Gaming is Dead, but just that this is a horrible slogan from a marketing standpoint. It's kind of like saying "Not that

Thanks Frodo...

How about buffering? Can I still see buffering?

The paper filter changes the true character of the coffee flavor, which is why real coffee lovers use the press or get espresso to begin with. Next thing you know, Giz is going to tell people not to eat dark chocolate because it's too bitter, and that Hershey bars are really the best chocolate you can buy. :-P

Apple customer service is awesome. If you make a reasonable complaint, and aren't abusing the system, they will always give you a refund. I just got a refund on a mistakenly purchased $50 item from the app store. They were easy and quick about the refund.

Maybe he could hack it to drive his car, instead of using the built in controls. "Siri, quick, turn left! LEFT!!!" "Connecting to server...." Crash...

*less than* 12 parsecs, my young padawan...