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Just did this today. Very convenient. Much quicker and easier than the typical lab experience. You don't even need an appointment. Not all tests are done with the finger prick method though. For a full panel, like I did today, you still need more blood drawn from a vein in your arm into several vials like normal.

You forgot about "Hacking the Mainframe!"

Why do guys like this always wear scarves and smoke cigarettes?

I would think that waxing the hair off one's hoo-hah and calling that a "Brazilian" would be more offensive...

I hope there's lots of lens flare in this one. Can't get enough lens flare...

Not "54 inch rims". Tires maybe, but not the rims for sure. And only 300 HP? Hard to believe that's enough for this huge thing. But very cool looking...

Waiting for the government to make these mandatory...

"much the way the Apple TV has been a boon for watching live sports" LOL

They should have used Papyrus...

They Hacked the Mainframe!

Also the explanation for Obamacare...

It's a quadracopter!

Jay Leon? :-P

We used to do this with laser tag. We used an old disposable camera flash and called it a grenade, since it would "kill" everyone at once.

If you love your Windows phone, you should love this...

"I am disappoint"?

Why would you go toe-to-toe in a rock 'em sock 'em robots thing, punching them with robot fists, instead of just shooting them from a distance? Oops, there I go again, asking logical questions of a fictional action fantasy flick... I do like that Jax Teller is the lead in this though. If there's anyone I can believe