
Just because Apple is no longer doing this doesn't mean Google isn't. Remember those WiFi detecting street-view cars?

Nothing to see here. Move along...

Good luck with that.

Nice thumb harp music in the background...


And yet it will still be a Windows computer...

How about using the caffeine water to make coffee? 8^O

Manliest letter ever written? "Love, Daddy" = the best part.

I've been on a 757 out of LAX to ATL where they dumped fuel over the ocean and went back to LAX for a mechanical failure. It comes out of the wing tips. The pilot came over the PA and explained that it was not harming anything on the ground because is "vaporizes", but it's obviously still in the air so not harmless.

Is Siri going to be available on the Mac? I already have a Mac Mini hooked up to the TV.

Good points. Given the millions of iPad owners though, I still think Amazon will come around and make an app for us. They'll make more money that way.

As a major Amazon fan-boy myself, I could not disagree more. I have Kindles, Prime, and even an Amazon credit card, but I also have iPads, and don't see any reason to get another device just for Amazon's video streaming. They will soon realize, as they did with ebooks, that they will make more money by not forcing

Superman was the alien, not Lex...

It also smells of rich mahogany...


Nice shirt pockets Anderson Cooper...

Related story - watching x rated videos turns your vision yellow...

Try moving it with your tongue...

The Blue Angels existed before there was even such a thing as the Air Force. The Thunderbirds will always be playing catch up.

Repeat after me: