
Jaime didn't get burned but he was last seen sinking to the bottom of a lake in armor too heavy to allow him to swim. When it then cut to black and the credits began in a highly atypical, extended silence, I felt it might be hinting at the Important Character Death you found missing.

I strongly disagree. She seems entirely in the moment and utterly convincing to me. Loved her in FARGO, too.

Two Words: Steve. Harvey.

"[The book] Letters to Wendy’s is an outrageous, tragic, genre-bending novel written over the course of a year on comment cards from the fast-food chain restaurant Wendy’s. Through the letters, the book traces a year in the life and thoughts of an unnamed narrator obsessed not only by Biggies and Frosties, but also by


^^^^ What she said. ^^^^^

Not at all. If she's indeed in her mid-forties he was fucking complimenting her.

I came very reluctantly onto the Mandy Moore bandwagon. I was all set to hate her due to her musical start, but was more than pleasantly surprised by her acting and holding her own with a cast of this caliber. She was great tonight — her work in the fight scene being particularly splendid.

Did he count his money while sitting at the table?

It could help with the dieting, you must at least concede.

The review itself reads as if English was the author's second or even third language. WHY WON'T A.V. CLUB PAY FOR AN ACTUAL, COMPETENT EDITOR? The easily-fixable fountain of grammatical mistakes and typos in this review are sadly way beyond amateurish.

"These married Pearsons must have some sort of pheromone that they give off, attracting all manner of colleague their way."

That, too.

I agree. Am I the only one hoping they assign someone else to review next season?

I thought of Christopher Walken in Annie Hall.


Exactly. Clearly they all knew about him and had likely researched him to some extent as what they were really all there for was to BID ON HIM. And the blind man who won the auction knew even more about his work. I don't think there's a nit to pick there when you look back at it after the big reveal.

Actually, I felt she had some wonderfully subtle moments from the beginning that harbingered, at bare minimum, a subconscious duplicity. The way she responded to his initial question of if she'd told her parents he was black or not made me at first highly suspect she had some privileged brat thing going on in which


30something's Timothy Busfield has been involved, too. He directed episode 11, the aftermath of Toby's heart attack. The whole series obviously shares DNA with "the Herskovitz/Zwick clan" and a mighty fine gene pool that is.