
This episode was insufferable. My mounting desire to turn it off began about 10-15 minutes in (and I almost did so, several times thereafter) but now I'm kinda glad I powered through, since I now rest assured I won't be second-guessing my decision to quit the series altogether.

And, I must reluctantly admit (because in other places the actress' work really bothered me) that everything you need to know about the character's shift and desire to get Ray was eloquently conveyed in the protracted silence she takes before telling the judge she won't pursue a retrial. When she looks across at the

I believe you're right. Now that you mention it, her response to their hassling Naz was along the lines of "Give it a rest, guys!" like she knows them and they've done this shit before.

I wouldn't go quite that far, but I've started suspecting he gets a lollipop every time he mentions "foreshadowing."

Evicting Sunday makes all kinds of sense for Hannah and /some/ kind of sense for all the rest of them. But especially for Hannah, who now has that goat position on lockdown. Have we ever seen a battle for "goatship" before? Nothing's quite leaping to mind.


Why the fuck are there no reviews of the remaining episodes? Am I missing something here?

Oh, well then.

Baldwin is running for Illinois Senator. Although that idiot Walker might still try.


But what about the female sons?

Any discussion of this season knocking the acting thing out of the park has got to include Joey Pollari and Connor Jessup. After the first season, we knew the levels of subtlety and presence to expect from Huffman, King, Hutton, Taylor, et al. (not to mention each's prior body of outstanding work), but these two

Thank you on the Laurie Metcalf resemblance. It's too bad this version is such a bad actress.

I appreciated the kids saying goodbye especially. The significance of letting a known homosexual hug their children is incredibly enlightened for the time, place, context, etc.

happy 2 oblige

The Hass avocado /ˈhæs/, sometimes marketed as the Haas avocado /ˈhɑːs/, is a cultivar of avocado with dark green-colored, bumpy skin.

When this one started, I realized at the top that I'd totally forgotten who this Wren is who killed herself. Afterwards, I still couldn't place her but I was way, way less motivated to go back to watch last week's to remind myself.

And a whole month later and still waiting.

And an excited uterus in mine.

mid-way annoyed that although it proved not to be a kidnapping, they apparently just left the apartment with the door open and a half gallon of milk gurgling out onto the floor. wtf?