Many ingredients in the food in the US are banned in other countries because they are carcinogenic. They'll get us all eventually. Population control
Many ingredients in the food in the US are banned in other countries because they are carcinogenic. They'll get us all eventually. Population control
So it affect no one but you, but we should all cover your healthcare in spite of your choice to pound down things that are bad for you. You probably won’t have it both ways, so pick your preference:
Feel the same way about BK. Never ate it when i wasn't running for the toilet within 10 minutes. And that orangy cheese tastes like bile to me
“That" generation? They come nowhere the current snowflake generation in terms of bitching and whining
These comments make me sad and worried for my children’s future dependent on the government.
S because the ggovernment wipes out a job, we get to pay for them to have a mindless government job. And when we can’t afford the taxes, the government pays us too? Where does it end? You socialists seem to think you’ve got this, but so has every big government socialist before you. They all fail.
And small business owners will be decimated. You cannot have an opinion on government confiscstory taxation and rampant sweeping legislation until you own a business. Period.
Failing us... by having record low unemployment, higher wages, a non malicious healthcare insurance, and freedom. Yep...complete failure
Can’t wait until you realize “oh shit, that might have been a dumb move” as you are in line waiting for your bread and cheese.
Yeah.. how DARE he express an opinion that difference from progressive psychos like you who cry about the threatening free speech while you try to shut everyone up.
They can give it away for free, but its illegal to charge. Mades no sense. No matter how it goes, you will have a trafficking problem. So regulate it and don't criminalize the Johns or workers, gain tax revenue and continue to work on the trafficking problem.
Right? They can only have violent repeat offenders and wife beaters in this NFL. people paying for sex...scum
Now if only Brady could be tied to it. Would be the perfect footnote for his cheating career
Well...that WAS just horrible. But they did just release 4 more specials
He often did
The entire state of Colorado is now PuffnStuf
Keeping in mind that his salary 8s mostly options and people make it seem like its tax free cash when reporting it, i would be happy with about 4 million take home pay. I could retire on that
What needs to stop is this fake celebrity and democrat outrage that is based on the false belief that if you are conservative, you are a hate monger. It is simply not true.
I would rather see her hot friend
If you have to inject politics into ever little thing because your girl lost, you should probably be in therapy