
Or, instamead of bitching and revelling in your lack of job smills, you could quit that shitty job and start a company.  And run it so your employees make all the money and you make the same for doing more and taking all the risk.  Go ahead.  Show them how it should be done!

Want CEO pay?  Earn it.  Apply for the position.  Show them why you deserve it.  Then only accept $36000 a year.  That'll show them

Those bailouts were the devil.  If i never see another one. It will be too soon

Really? So taxing and spending and stifling business is GOOD for the economy? You strategies? You have your head in the sand if you think republican strategies of more freedom, less regulation, and promoting success are a problem.  Socialism has never helped anyone


The last time a GOP president caused a recession was Bush Sr. Bush Jtlr’s recession and crash were the result of Clinton’s policies, and Obama was an econlmic moron who was never able to right the ship, but instead passed policies that will contribute to the fiture recession. Trump straightened that all out, but here

Ww..not just a potential vague, “not scare mongering” story, but also a “hate Trump” and whine about it story. Nice.

And many liberals, gays, and blacks go there and enjoy life because they realize that the “bigot” BS is just that.

Omg snowflake...please link where anyone from chik-fil-a stoned anyone, or even condoned stoning someone. God, you idiots need therapy

If there are 4 cars at my local Wendys. You can expect to wait 25 to 30 minutes.  Its ridiculous

As opposed to the liberal condescending dumbfuckery that so many of you "woke" commentors have...

And dod you really just play the Race Card?  Over chicken sandwiches?  What a sad life you have.  You do know that millions of black people love Chick-Fil-A, right?

Ahh. The Bigot Card. “They have a different POV than me. So therefore they must be bigots”.  Grow up snowflake.  They treat everyone with respect, and make tasty food.  But ypu won't try it because then you would have to admit you are more closed-minded than you accuse them of being.

Because Joy and Whoopi are all class, right?  Not assholes at all...

Well, not really.  But keep up your broad generalizations and stereotyping if it helps you feel superior.  Does it accomplish anything?  Really?

Its only gotten bad since all liberals became so woke. Where they used to have some reasonableness, now there is none

So her party is the Obama Democrats?  Because that all started there

People who understand labor issues have long understood that the most direct and effective way to break this modern-day indentured servitude with a smile is to force these modern day companies to classify their workers as employees”

You keep repeating the same class envy line.  If you do not like how they run it, feel free to start your own.  Or, don't work for them.  Maybe that eill get oast the "evil greedy company" issues you have

It’s not that crazy when the driver has to buy the vehicle (it has to be relatively new as well), fuel, insurance, and pay to maintain it.”