Hopefully it takes more than a sob story. If the winner can’t pay the taxes and bills, they will be out in a few years anyway
Hopefully it takes more than a sob story. If the winner can’t pay the taxes and bills, they will be out in a few years anyway
I would think if they are in terrible situations, they could never afford the taxes or utilities on a place like this
“something fishy" translated...."shit the facts don't back up my need to hate this kid. Thank god they found a tenuous tie so i can keep my faux enragement going"
When the facts finally present themselves, shift to "white privilege" to keep the hate and division fresh.
So what you are all really saying us "Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist, homophobic, sexist! Nothing will chnage my mind because i am the one actually full of hate"
That was Obama's policy. Literally
What kid’s life did trump destroy?
8byesrs later and ample evidence showing he was up to no good and was bashing a guy's head in...and you still defend Trayvon. This is why we never move forward... you idiots REFUSE to believe anything that goes against your worldview. And everyone else is a racist if they even mention a fact
Hogg decided he WANTED the spotlight...and still wants it. These kids were just there exercising their rights and were gonna leave. HUGE difference
Is that code for liberals?
He does really suck. The people who went are dumb as dumb can be. And they vote
I never understood why he was famous. I also want to know who bought tickts to his shows in San Jose. Why are people still wasting their money?
St the same time. Just because you are a reverse racist sexist does not mean white guys are shitty authors. You make some good points but then flush them away be being just as shitty as those who you are railing against
Maybe now they should surprise everyone and finally bring that Babylon 5 open galaxy game
I used to work as a guard for them. Totally different now. They would not let me crack any skulls. Bastards
I think its actually currently going back to the time of Steamboat Willy in the 30s. The original mickey mouse is about to he public domain. Not sure how a real organization name compares to intellectual property though
Don't something they may not like. They will meltdown...like snowflakes
Hatred like yours is what is killing us all. Just because someone is conservative does NOT make them a bad person
So 29 people out of 350 million means we have more work to do? Run that percentage and tell me how small it has to be before you will admit you are grasping at straws
So that’s how AOC got elected...