
I can’t wait until the un-erring millennial generation can FINALLY take over. They’re so much smarter than every other generation and will finally solve the world’s problems.

Lol. With all the crazy indie games that come out these days I thought you were talking about an actual game. 

Its too bad the cyberverse toys are garbage that fall apart just from sitting in a toy bin. It’s shocking how cheap and poorly made they are. Im constantly having to re-attach limbs for my son or help him balance these hollow Cyberverse toys.

Not if it’s cost is too high and resources could be moved to other projects that will be more profitable. 

I think it’s more like going to the best pizza place in the world but being told you cant order the pizza until you eat 50 salads first.

Because without him none of it would have ever happened at all.

I agree with your conclusion but the points you chose don’t support it. Palps was a an existing, known, character that the audience saw killed off. Of course you have to explain where he came from.

Do you not use pins? Xbox UI is gret. Easy to get almost anywhere quickly and you can create custom pin groups that make it easy to acess any of your games. WAY better than PS4 or Switch. 

Ahahaha, did you just say the equivalent of, “I know you are but what am I?” For real? Hahaha. 

Wow, you’re unpleasant. Are you this way off-line as well? Or does being anonymous bring it out in you? I really hope it’s the latter. 

Hey, for someone so dumb I’m surprised you know the word sarcasm. Good for you! 

This makes perfect sense for who tony was. All over the place and changing his mind constantly. 

You don’t understand the term fan service. 

That’s not what fan service means though. At least not in this context.

You can’t watch it at home when a movie comes out.

WTF? You sound like a crazy person. Not whooping during a movie does not equal fighting happiness at our core.

The music was one of the best parts of that scene. You think the directors wanted it so loud in the theater that people couldn’t hear it’s addition to the weight of the movie?

What is wrong with you? Seriously. People mention they don’t like audience participation in movies and you fly off the handle as if they killed your dog.

So glad the audience I saw it with didn’t react that way. Movies’ aren’t plays where the actors can pause while people react. It would ruin it if I couldn’t focus on the movie. 

You’re making the HUGE assumption that everybody has a PC that can handle Gears of War 5.