
That sounds like a nightmare. Pay is based on how long you stick around and not related to your work?

I agree wholeheartedly, but people don’t like to admit that their opinion might be influenced by something other than the subject matter itself.

You don’t sound sincere but I accept your apology anyone. Next step is changing your garbage attitude.

Really?!?! I could understand someone saying a 6-8 hour experience wouldn’t be worth it but 20 hours isn’t worth $60?

I loved the game from the start and even with that it’s growing on me even more. It’s a great combination of mechanics.

Are you under the impression that Overwatch is massively profitable because of the one time $40 purchase people made?

Yes. The worst parts of his game are the movie parts. I can only imagine the utter nonsense a movie made by him would look like. 

I’m of the same opinion but with the opposite conclusion.

1. You’re assuming that the Division and GR have the same audience. I don’t see what reasoning you have for that other than assuming that because the games are from the same company they must have the same audience. That’s silly I can’t imagine that’s what you actually meant

That isn’t the problem. CoD, Battlefield, Assassins Creed and sports games do fine releasing every year or two.

Loom was amazing. I remember borrowing it from a friend and installing the 5 or 6 5x8s and it was so great.

Don’t be that guy. You know what he’s getting at.

But what it sounds like you’re saying is people shouldn’t promote or fight for an important cause, like freedom in HK, because it might cause some headaches for developers and people attending Blizzcon.

Yeah, that’s the point. Of course Blizzrd wouldn’t have been criticized either way because they’ve already shot themselves in the foot and unless they back pedal, they can’t win.

As opposed to all the normally useful comments people make?

Wait, forced? I don’t think anyone is being forced into a new car outside of social visibility.

Its because you’re confusing the gaming media and comments on Reddit or Kotaku with how most gamers actually feel. 

Sony is equally to blame. Activision would not being doing this if Sony wasn’t giving them money to do it.

What is wrong with you? You think Xbox players voted for a delayed release of Tomb Raider or purchase of DF? Or that Double Fine was bought against its will? This has nothing to do with the players. You just sound like an angry, lonely, little boy.

No,that’s not what is happening. As much as some people like to paint the gaming community as women hating, most of the time having a protagonist be female, or the option to be female causes no stir at all.