
If you buy this - you are stupid. I don't care how you try to rationalize it. The person who sold it is smart only by comparison...since you are so stupid, you felt the need to buy a fucking achievement on EBAY.

It's kind of insane how we went from having almost a limitless supply of JRPGs during the PS1 - PS2 era, and then it almost completely stopped with the following console generation. I wonder if it's just too expensive to create games like that these days, and companies opt for the 6-8 hour game play-genres as opposed

That doesn't sound like grinding to me in those last two videos. That sounds like...

That reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my proctologist.

1) Those titles were written by two different people.

This problem is straight up disc-usting!


Hooray for Final Fantasy VIII!

You can't see it in the videos, I don't think, but one of these guys was wearing Xbox pajama pants. I'm assuming that their Xbox sweatshirts and hats were provided by Microsoft.

Someone from Microsoft came over and asked how we got an Xbox One and I lost it.

Stephen, just to remind you, the TV/screen is not included with the Xbox1.

That was the last time anyone ever saw Stephen or that xbox one

Of course it's a big console. It's a MAN's console... with all the overcompensation that statement entails! Ruh ruh ruh ruh!

22 replies for something i literally just wrote like 10 minutes ago, it smells like all kinds of evil >.<

You might want to give Killer Instinct it's own night.

Cant wait to play. I got a perfect spot in my living room right next to my wiiu and pc i use for movie streaming. Great time to be a gamer.. Gonna pull all-nighters on ryse, dead rising, and killer instinct >.<

I can imagine the Kotaku round-table discussion for this... HDMI in? We need two Xbox Ones for everyone in the office stat... for experimenting purposes... yeah - it's research.