
A Sonic game exclusive to Nintendo systems, and a PlayStation played through an Xbox. What a strange year it's been...

Why did I just watch Francis lightsaber battle somone....?

Crazy white folk.

Unfortunately I'll be getting Dead Rising 3 most likely not before christmas, but then I'll be pretty much up for some zombie slaying action ^^

Yeah man, me too! I'm still getting one regardless, so if you're down for playing Dead Rising 3, that'd be awesome!


It kinda depends on how you experience the XIII series. Lightning was the poster protaganist of XIII, but for the most part each party member got equal play. XIII-2 was about finding her, but she wasn't present for most of the game, only appearing in the opening and during the final hours of the game.

With the inclusion of the lightning events in FFXIV, I'm just getting more and more excited to play this game.

got mine ! to bad its coming in dec 2. should of just payed the extra 5 for it to arrive sooner lol oh well i save a tad

Me too, no one wants their shiny new toy to be DOA no matter what it is.

I'm hoping that MS took extra precautions this go-around, not wanting a repeat of the last generation.

I really hope anyone who orders an xbox 1 gets it without a single issue.

The thing that always makes me smile is 1987. The year that Sega put Phantasy Star out, the first RPG to feature a woman protagonist in the form of Alis.

Except the "-" hickup is totally fine, but nice that you are annoyed and find your passion in grammar-naziing, whatever floats your boat

Actually it just shows that you got no plan whatsoever, so after your logic, games only got technically less advanced with time passing since launch... and that's just plain wrong!
the studios need some time to get the hang on the consoles resources, as it is with every machine, technology etc.
when I hand a, let's say,

Getting my XboxOne Day One nevertheless, I had a blast gaming on the Xbox360, nearly never used my PS3 to play games, only watched BluRays on it. ^^
That there would be software hick-ups at launch was pretty clear, but to me personally the games, the controller, the online service and the features are more appealing.

This image may have been made during the planning of this video:

I like the black one.

Well, most of the review is "close, but no cigar" and "patches be coming". No matter how awful things are, you can't honestly give a No until them patches come or you realize they ain't.

I was just refreshing the main page just to get the first comment.