
I'm glad these features, which have been in Android for at least 2 years, are making their way to the iPhone. I wonder if it will include voice-to-text-for-all-apps as well (which has also been part of Android since forever)? Yay for competition! Maybe this will push Google to add even more improvements.

You found a nerd on an Internet dating web site and judge him for his nerdy pursuits in public, using his name, on this, a site for nerds. The only respect I could have for you is if you planned this article as flame bait to increase readership but then, that short-lived respect would die because I would realize how

Being honest? How honest was she during the date as she smiled and nodded? She saved her "honesty" for later, secure behind her screen, to *publicly* deride the guy *using his real name* and that comment about him "infiltrating". WTF!

I prefer mSpot to Spotify.

Even with an SD card and moving all apps that have app-to-SD capability, the internal space for apps gets used up fast. Trust me. I have had my Nexus One since December 2009. 512MB of internal space just barely cuts it. It definitely *was* a sweet spot phone and still works great. But yeah, it's 2011 and time to

"The panel uses PenTile RGBW technology (which didn't do so hot in the Nexus One)..."

I'm not sure if/when I'll ?ever? want to watch a movie on this phone (Nexus One with 3.7" screen) but wow this app rocks! I like that I can be watching a movie on my Xbox360 via NetFlix and turn that off and then open the NetFlix app on my phone and the movie I was just watching is at the top and I click it and it

Flash has been working perfectly (zero crashes) on my HTC Nexus One (purchased in Dec. 2009) for at least a year now. And never has performance been an issue with Flash on this device, either. And I want to stress that this device came out at the end of 2009. Maybe these rumors about Flash performance on phones are

While yes, many of the differences between this tablet and the iPad2 are small and/or inconsequential, please consider these two:

You were on the money with predictions about dual core and memory for the iPhone 4 but I win, hehe, regarding the 4" screen :)

Specs matter to everyone, even if many people are not conscious of the specs or what they mean. One example mentioned by the author; the iPad's handling of Safari tabs.

Thank you! I truly believe there ARE "sweet spots" in time to buy certain things and I can dig the simplicity and eloquence with which you delivered that message. And I agree that not only is this Summer the best time to buy an iPhone (because iPhone5 comes out then) but also the best time to buy an Android phone

*ChompSMS for text messaging.

@redman042: You make some interesting and compelling points, Redman. I would say that your statements apply to the near past because cell phones are quickly becoming something people hold in their hands for a majority of their waking day. A couple years ago when I was visiting Tokyo, I saw it there already; people

@Tetsuooooooo: Not true. In some ways apples & oranges. If you are translating one variable, time, also translate the other variable, frequency. In other words, since we are 6 months from a new iPhone and they only come out once per year, it is wise to wait for that new one (unless your life is a living hell with

Thank you for this article. I prefer Android but I like to see when an article like this is written. Namely, that you are urging people to think ahead to the "sweet spot" for purchasing and this is what I have also been telling those friends who would be better served by an iPhone than an Android phone; "Wait until

@RyogaVee: Hey RyogaVee - regarding your question "Is there a similar way on android?" The short answer is yes. The long answer is: there are many ways. Most (or all?) of them have to do with using an app. So it is true that there is no built-in way of doing sync on Android. I see how some people could see that as an

@RyogaVee: Genuine question here: I think I heard you have to hook your iPhone up to a computer in order to update it... is that true?