Honorable mention goes to the Nashes of the '48-'57 era, whose front bench seat could be folded down to form a bed w/the back seat.
Honorable mention goes to the Nashes of the '48-'57 era, whose front bench seat could be folded down to form a bed w/the back seat.
This gives new meaning to the phrase "Injection is nice, but I'd rather be blown".
You mean they haven't completed the failure analysis yet?(I.e. figured out what happened, why it happened & how to prevent it from ever happening again).
Whoever is investigating this crash would do well to examine the spot welds in the locations where the Honda's unit body assembly came apart. To me, it looks like they failed in a brittle manner. To confirm that would take a detailed exam of the welds and surrounding base metal (which my Dad and I used to do...and we…
Can you imagine what a commercial aircraft based on the XB-70 would be like? Or would have been like?
Years ago, some folks used to launch portajohns into low-earth orbit at events like the US Nationals drag races )at night during the Labor Day Weekend, btw.).
American Ethanol = more American Smog in hot weather.
especially the two seconds at 1:22
...or this...
Finding something like these parked under the tree was as exiting as a grown-up finding a real one parked outside on Christmas morning.....
That lead photo looks a lot like my granddad's '56 Imperial 4-door sedan.
Are you sure you don't mean Highland Park? (Was "The Rouge" up and running in 1915?)
In the words of SCTV's Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok...."IT BLOWED UP REEEEEEAL GOOOOD!"
@wætherman: Those aren't Senators...they're Members of the House of Representatives, where (per the Constitution of the U.S.) all revenue and spending bills originate.
That'll buff right out.
Supercar FTW!
I'll stick with the '66 Country Squire...though all the ones seen here are winners, imho
By the time Ralphie's book was published, Corvair was a dead car rolling, thanks to the sales success of the Ford Mustang, which went on sale five months before the all-new second-gen 'Vair hit the dealers.
@Triborough: QOTD...amen!
What's the German term for "honey wagon"? (a name referring to that "sweet" cargo...LOL...)