@west-coaster: You're spot-on, because of GM's dominance in the US market after it wrestled the "#1 car maker" crown from Ford in 1931.
@west-coaster: You're spot-on, because of GM's dominance in the US market after it wrestled the "#1 car maker" crown from Ford in 1931.
The editorial folks from their Tampa office (including me) were let go today, too.
The former Source Interlink shut down their Tampa office (where Super Chevy, Circle Track, VETTE, Mopar Muscle, High Performance Pontiac + their Ford/Mustang books, came out of) and we were all let go ...they're also closing down our shop, too.
Former SIM Tampa staffer here...To paraphrase the opening lines of an old Pontiac ad jingle from around 1970..."This is the beginning of tomorrow...", not an ending for me at all.
FYI...Source Interlink Media also closed their Tampa, FL office & shop & let everyone go from there, too
Don't forget the first car that 007 drove on camera: a 1957 Chevrolet BelAir convertible which he drove to Government House in Kingston, Jamaica. after subduing its ill-intended driver who'd picked him up at the airport...and the '61 Chevy Impala 4-door sedan that CIA man Felix Leiter (Jack Lord, some 5 years before…
This is nothing to sniff at lightly.
Will that include the first car that 007 drove on screen (a '57 Chevy BelAir convertible, in "Dr. No")...and which half of that Renault Encore he drove in "A View To A Kill"?
Another example of youth being wasted upon the middle-aged.
Imagine if Gerry Mulligan was playing sax during one of Benny Hill's film bits.
Years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth (i.e. during my university days), the ideal professorial ride was a first-generation VW Beetle. Usually purchased second- or third-hand, it appealed to academics from any school or college within those hallowed halls...the engineering folks loved Herr Dr. Porsche's classic…
I'd like to see the fracture surfaces where it came apart. There could be some interesting evidence here regarding that trailer's loading, and its history.
From the looks of the cab & taillight, I'd say it was one of the small Chevy/GMC pickups....meanwhile, I'm hoping the sheriff's office is checking the security videos of every place along those streets to see as much of that pickup as they can (including its plate number).
You may want to take a look at this local-news video from April of 2009, which clearly shows that GM's Janesville (WI) Assembly Plant was still open at that time...and had not closed for good in 2008.
Here's a musical salute to that dealer...and that attorney:
As our friends in Minnesota say, "Uff Da."
Light 'em up, Torch!
I second all that's been said about the California DMV, especially their office in Concord...which had (when I was unlucky enough to have to go there) the surliest, most car-hate-filled civil servants this side of the California Air Resources Board.
IIRC, Recaro makes (or, made in the past) a special seat for LEOs, with cutouts in the seat base and back for weapons, handcuffs & anything that a patrol officer would wear on his belt.
Tucker likely would have had the same problems that Kaiser did entering the marketplace, and some bigger ones (i.e. buying steel, where Kaiser was also a steel-maker & Tucker wasn't).