
The release date is wrong. It should be 12.18.14.

The Seahawks are the virgin kid who plays games in the basement, smokes weed by himself, never had a date or made physical contact with a girl who thinks he's hot shit after he got his cherry popped at the first party he attended.

It happens everywhere, but some schools at least try to do something about it...

You win. +4:20

Yep, ain't no meth like Myrtle Beach meth.

Whether or not you agree will probably depend on whether or not you think the circular nature of tragedy—the way our own mistakes return to us at high speeds and oblique angles, like ricochet—is just part and parcel of being born.

And everyone in SD is just waiting for the Chargers to move to LA. Because that's what people do in SD, they come here for a while and have kind of an exciting, but meaningless life, and then they move somewhere that's a real city when they're ready to get their shit together.

I'm a Saints fan. I try to be kind but usually fail.

that's because you've never met ANY good human beings, so, you know, ergo...

in the battle between evil and evil, evil always wins.

Been there. I almost had a stroke while reading this post, purely from the shock of recognition. Now I work at a high school during the day and play music when I'm not at school, so I still do the freelance thing, in a sense... but it's much better because I don't have that sense of Civil War battlefield death every

We might as all be happy and enjoy it. [Bobby Knight]

In the postgame press conference, Starovoytova had no comment...

never, ever gets old.

"Fuck." -Tiger Woods

"That's a 7- or 8-dollar home run, at least."

yeah, it was that 1/2 year he messed up that kind of undermines your argument...

"You want tact?" My favorite line.

totally agree. I've always found it consistently hilarious.