Scott Rippey

Because I love preaching to the choir! Just kidding, it was an accident. @Mike Birtwistle, please read my above fanboy rant and realize how awesome I am — er — how awesome Javascript is.

Every major website today is heavily based on Javascript, every PC, Mac, Smart Phone, and Tablet is able to run Javascript, and the current trend for websites is to move away from Flash and Java applets and to move toward HTML and Javascript. JS has never been more prevalent or important.

For bonus points ... can you think of a sequence that enters a never-ending loop? I came up with one answer.

You obviously got the puzzle, but your answer was not technically correct. @lovinjc1 has the correct answer: 23411214. In this particular variation, you must count all the numbers at once, but your variation looks at the numbers in sequence only. This is proved by the last given number.

WOW! Well done! You called it, KotOR is right. Good memory! Did you solve it, or turn to the internet like I did?

I agree with you, it's terribly irritating that IE breaks out from the standards. However, keep in mind, breaking from standards brings a lot of innovation. IE gave us AJAX and IFrames ... things that were non-standard, but so innovative that they became the standard. Sometimes there are good reasons to break

Free shipping on $25 order. I'm not about to spend $25 on "unknown" razors. Therefore, my shopping cart was abandoned.

You made my brain hurt.

If you guys like this puzzle, you gotta check out [] ... but be prepared to sacrifice your entire Friday.

The customer was a smart-ass to begin with. I say, leave the crust!

"Here", the font is "Georgia, Times, Liberation Serif", which means 4 = 1.

Thank you for providing objective proof of what so many of us were thinking! :)

Pushing Daisies is my wife and my favorite show! I like the "forensic fairy tale" description, and I always described it as a mix between Dr. Seuss and CSI. It's like peanut butter and chocolate - salty + sweet!

Cool, I'm gonna try WMS to customize my setup ... I use 3 items on the WMC home screen, so I can probably get rid of the 15 others and have a nice, clean home.

And they're cheaper than $30! I've seen them for around $15.

On my WMC, Netflix is an option on the main screen, under Movies, so it should be really easy to find. I'm pretty sure it's there by default, because I don't remember customizing it.

So it's just the wax that does the trick? I'm going to try this with a tea candle.

Very very interesting! I WISH America could just switch to "here's how much it costs" instead of this silly "how much you wanna pay" obligation.

If you go to Denny's for your birthday, you've got bigger things to worry about.

And in California, we get paid minimum plus tips! Woo!