
Very cool, and nice craftsmanship. Clearly it's nowhere near the power of a .45 though.

Did they have to put headlights on it to make it street legal? Somehow I think it's still NOT street legal. That thing must have been so loud driving down a city street.

I'm totally buying one of these for my iron. I'm always worried I left it on when I leave for work.

@Dougiefresh91: It's one of the things Jimi was remembered for among guitarists. What's interesting is that the pickups on a guitar are built with the size and tension of each string in mind. See how on a Stratocaster the pickup closest to the bridge is angled instead of perpendicular to the strings? Jimi flipped

I'm not seeing any patterns worth noting in this chart. Don't get me wrong, it's a really pretty chart, and an interesting study of the web, but there are no clear trends.

I've never seen anything like this, it's really neat. And I THINK I understand how it works. It just seems like a lot of moving parts. Instead of gear+gear+chain, there's a lot more going on.

@Rick Lyon: I think it would be really cool to have a show like Jeopardy use this technology to let users play along at home. I bet they'd end up selling a ton of iPads to old people.

Very cool, but yes, dial back the chrome. And can I get it with a bikini top?

This is really clever. Initially I would have said just have the app push notifications as the program runs. But this way it'll work even if you DVR'd it. Nice job ABC. I'm glad someone in TV understands how people are actually watching these days.

@subframespacer: Wrong. The primary cause of Gulf dead zones is the dumping of phosphorus-rich material dredged off the bottom of the Missouri River. The Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for that.

This might push me to finally buy a G11 when it drops in price. I can live without 720p and HDR.

Of course it's not more secure by itself, but on top of of WPA and mac address blocking, it can't hurt. I've always used ssid hiding as part of my security regimen and will continue to do so. Never been a problem with any of my devices.

People read Mashable? I've never liked that site, or Pete Cashmore. It's a stupid name for a blog too. Tech Crunch's Twitter feed is bad too.

The built-in garage is cool, but it seems like it wastes a lot of what could be interior space. It looks like that eating area/kitchen is pretty much the interior. The rooftop deck and hot tub is about the coolest thing ever though. I want it.

@discontinuuity is tentatively testing the waters of Murlopnik Weekend before plunging again into the fridgid

I the new one from Neato is pretty cool. I love the laser eye.

I'm skeptical about things like SAM turrets, the RC car, explosive crossbow, and tomahawk. These seem kind of rediculous, and a big change from MW2's mostly realistic weapon list. But, it's an entirely new game so they can go in a new direction. Regardless, I'm excited to play, especially these wager modes. Very

@sdbeach: I've used ToRead ([] for quite a while. It works the same way: you make a bookmarklet (they're both based on bookmarklets, so I don't think either is more lightweight than the other), click it, and it sends the page to your email address. The date & time are already in any email, so I don't

@bitchincamaro: my vision. This is me, talking to 4 girls at once. Yeah right.

@bitchincamaro: You know what I'm surprised we haven't seen from FaceTime yet, although I'm sure we will as a future upgrade, is 3-way (and 4, 5, etc.) conversations. I can just imagine text and IM obsessed teenagers with their iPod touches and iPhones all video conferencing as a group. It would be an even bigger hit