Scotty J

In some areas, DOT trucks are equipped with katanas because you just never know. I do believe NYC has some of their fleet so outfitted. If it’s not an elderly mobster, it could be a jackwagon on a Citibike. 

While I think there are one or two people in the country who might change their minds based on a televised debate, their main purpose is probably to keep pundits employed.

Unless they are putting each candidate in a separate sound-proof room, we’re still going to hear him yammering on through Biden’s mic.  This is going to be a total shit-show.

To be fair, nor do reality shows. 

I have no doubt that the Trumpists will be claiming today that “clean fakes” is the actual phrase and always was, and using it as much as possible.

I actually wonder what this will do to BrainFight with Tuck Buckford.

A well deserved rest.

At a bare minimum, Alex Jones deserves a high five. To the face. With a hammer.

The value of the beachfront homes cannot be understated.

Maybe his first name is “Les”?

Better to be a living quadrapalegic than dead, amirite?

1-star airlines have 1-star passengers.

President Donald Trump comes in a close second.

“But.... Have seen the price of a McDonald’s value meal?”

What if I wear both a red ball cap and a facial mask?” - Presumably the computer doing the AI calculations starts smoking, catches fire, and eventually melts back down into the base elements that computer was made out of.

So how well can you trick this “AI?”

Maybe this should be a requirement for anyone with a drivers license before they can have a smart phone.