The penny farthing crotch rocket: for when suicide takes too long.
The penny farthing crotch rocket: for when suicide takes too long.
The star of “Home Alone 2" just wants Canada so the mainstream media will talk about it for a month, all while his stammering, pasty faced, friendless sociopathic cucklord guts the entire Federal government to the point where no one can stop them from compiling the wealth of a nation into their own pockets. Canada,…
Had my first on-road get-off on my last ride of the season last Fall. I remember thinking, “gosh, I’m glad I wear a helmet” when my head hit the asphalt. Jacket had a bit of road rash on the shoulder, and my favorite jeans ripped open leaving my knee bloodied. And my boots were a little scuffed. Without the helmet,…
Will this be enough to bring the original Top Gear back?
Maybe people hate him for being a crap plastic surgeon?
Fun fact: That ground effects kit is made from vaccuum-formed raw cocaine.
The ONLY answer. Bimmer could charge 30 or 40 for these, and the propellor heads would still buy them up for bragging rights. It’s like Tom Brady’s 3/4 million dollar watch, but only slightly more useful.
In my commuting experience (1 hour both ways, 3 days a week, standard rush hours) the most aggressive drivers are balding white guys with wraparound shades driving way-too-big Dodge/Ford/Chevy pickups with NOTHING in the bed (ever). Just mobile dick-measuring, really.
Case in point: my sister. She is vociferously pro-LGBTQ+, lives in a red county in a red state and has pulled together many programs and support groups for LGBTQ+ kids, and is a die-hard fan of drag queens. BUT she is also a career tech person and STILL worships Elon because “people do not understand what it takes to…
It’s hard to do an eyeroll when you’re laughing so hard that you can’t open your eyes.
¿So when will Mexico rename Baja California to Bajo Mexico?
At this point, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is much more rational choice than the saggy orange octogenarian autocrat you MAGA fuckwits have elected.
I really wish somebody would flush this hairy turd.
“ the “Home Alone 2” actor” and this is how I will be referring to him from now on.
FAILED manmade islands. FIFY.
Dubai, where ridiculous unsustainable engineering ideas come to be.
Maybe they don’t give a shit; he’s our fascist, not theirs.
Know who doesn’t trust workers to work remotely? Shitty Managers, that’s who.