Just swapped one into a 95 Grand Cherokee on Sun: I would not call them pretty. Then again, almost no DD/appliance car engine is. Frankly, the earlier it is, the prettier because there's less clutter
Just swapped one into a 95 Grand Cherokee on Sun: I would not call them pretty. Then again, almost no DD/appliance car engine is. Frankly, the earlier it is, the prettier because there's less clutter
A snow buggy. A sort of enclosed sand rail. Mid-engined, water-cooled(for heat). 2-seater, removable top. Small, light, good ground clearance: like old trials cars. Major hoonmobile!
Oh, c’mon! The fact that we read this blog is proof that we care not a fig for rational descisions regarding cars!
Except, don't use WD-40: as a penetrant it's virtually worthless. Kroil is the best I've found. Your local HVAC supply store will carry it.WAY worth the price/trouble finding it!
Me too: rolling coal is running rich is running hot! So they’re paying for a mod which will eventually negate the higher standard to which diesels are built and for which they paid a premium to begin with. WTactualF?!!
They do. My ex gf did a 300 one on her 95 grand Cherokee for an emergency vet bill. She told me the loan guy had to txt a pic of it in their lot to headquarters to get approval. Iirc, she paid 100/ month AND a 300 balloon at the end to get tittle back, so 1500ish over a year.
Can’t be 100% sure-but reasonably certain that the HD above is a Morris Minor 1000: details visible match the one in my driveway(sans ‘vert top).
Darn: missed the question.
The behavior of a friend’s ‘13 Focus is off-putting: at low speeds it often acts like a locked 4wd car: sorta bucks/pauses, then jumps especially in right-angle turns. Happens less severely after the recall re flash, but it’s still there probably 1 out of 5 times we turn at the end of her street.
Yep: 3/4. I had my ‘shits gonna happen now!’ 36” bar on it with a 4’ cheater. Way I figure the moment-arm(and I was bouncing on it), had to be over 1000lb-ft to break it. Good times!
I’ve been drunk & stupid, but Da-yum!
Yep...except it’s the crank nut. Brace the extension on a good jackstand. Still can be a MF’er: we broke a SnapOn extension on the last one. 3/4” drive, iirc: unusual for that to happen
I know THAT pain! Hit your local chain AutoParts store: they rent a tool. Once that meant 15min of setup and bolt loose in 15 sec...last time(different Honda) it still took some work-but was possible.
NOT an engineer, here... but wonder about back-pressure
Take it further: outrageous tail-styles to piss off the parental units....
Great story told by a great story-teller!
OW! Will hydrogen peroxide in an eye cup erase that image?
I’m with you on the wtf?
I’d add to the soap tip that if you use a good lotion on your hands before wrenching your skin will not absorb grease as easily. It therefore washes right off-plus you’re way less likely to get those never-healing cracks in your fingers. Udderly Smooth & Eucerin both work well for me. Stay away from the cheap crap…
Doensn’t matter how often it’s posted: it’s the oldest story of (hu)man.