
I suffer from dyslexia. For years I thought the show was called Ride My Pimp. I expected entirely different subject matter.

Speed never kills. Rapid deceleration, that’s what gets ya.

I don’t speed, so I don’t care.

Last time I posted this, about half of the entire Jalopnik community called me a liar. I’m ready this time.

Since people are posting gravity racing here; this will be the 6th year of a “Festival of Speed” in my neighborhood that I help organize. The street is a perfect slope: long and gradual and then it goes back up. You slowly build up speed and you don’t reach a crazy velocity and then it goes back up so kids can’t go

Dearest Jalops - as a person who usually rides his Bianchi to work if I’m not taking my 2011 Honda Insight Transportation Appliance to work, I sometimes feel vaguely hated on this site. To see you guys step the fuck up to try to catch a criminal is heartening.

The trash hole in the floor, with the drawer that slides out, is a great idea. Its hidden flaw may be summarized as: You put your little brother WHERE?

I believe Larry the Cable Guy talks about Jeff Gordon racing the strawberry douche Chevrolet in the Tampon 5oo. He even mentioned he pulled some strings to get tickets.

And, ladies, don’t forget to order your Tiddy Bear.

There are hints he mistook it for a Ferrari.

some marketer ran some study and discovered that there are people interested in a convertible luxury SUV. Unfortunately, what he failed to realize is that there are precisely 143 of these people, and they will all buy the vehicle within the first month it goes on sale.

Victim was later found under a large boulder, injured, but alive and clutching a sign reading “Yikes!”

A couple of years ago I would’ve said that’s an easy one and chose the 60's because muscle cars are awesome. After hanging around this place I got to appreciate all kinds of cars so that question got harder to answer.

Any old reason to post a few damn cool car pics right?

We call it “crumble-down” economics.

Makes me want to cry. Nothing is more touching than finding something that means the world to you, completely irreplaceable, and yet to the majority of people is a worthless bit of junk. Jalops unite!

Ah the old V6 vs V8 Muscle Car argument. I have seen so many people, friends included, pour countless dollars into both, defending themselves and criticizing the other with the utmost fervor. Funny thing is, it’s all for not.

As a city dwelling, manual transmission millennial car owner, I concur!

I don’t understand the problem of why people can’t do this. I’ve backed up big trailers and little trailers and never have had an issue. I always nail it on the 33rd or 34th time. Just back and forth, back and forth. Turn the wheel one way, back up, pull forward, turn it the other way, back up, etc.

We will make all the hoverboards here. I have many many hoverboard making friends, and their factories will be magnificent. and anyone that falls off our hoverboards, I’ll pay their legal bill. believe me.

That rhythmic chirp you're talking about sounds similar to the noise my Durango was making, turned out to be a tensioner pulley (not the whole tensioner assembly, just the pulley). Got a new Gates unit from o'reily's for less than 20 bucks.