
I’ll add that some ignition systems with the extra ‘waste spark’ that had copper plugs from the factory may actually mis-fire or run noticibly >worse< when you put fancy platinum plugs in! From experience, S-series Saturns and the V6 in MY 2k Ford Rangers didn’t like platinum Bosch plugs. $1.79 Autolites are the way

I like wierdness as much-or more-as the next guy, but this is taking whimsy a bit too far, methinks.

Lightness already added 👍

BarsLeaks goldenseal root powder pills DO work for >some< Subie HG problems. After my sil blew the hg on my beloved 87 wagon I put 2 powdered pills in a qt of HOT water and slowly added it to already warmed engine running about 1500 rpm. Sealed that puppy and she drove it(into the ground) for another ~2 years. Just my

So much this! World needs more Calvinball!

Way late to the game, but...

Replaced distributor on one: took a week for hands to heal and lower back to recover.

Kroil and a decent impact screwdriver haven’t failed me yet. Tap it a few times and give time for the Kroil to get in there. Big tip is pre-tensioning the impact screwdriver-and pressing it in damn hard.

You have to start up on diesel, then shut it down on diesel, otherwise the lines will be full of congealed veggie oil. That's what the lighted control panel is about, BTW

Yah, I should clarify: looks like a solid >plan<. The execution, however, is a bit more ‘that’ll work for now’. Like the small start-up diesel tank underhood: plastic works for proof-of-concept, but no way would I DD that.

That’s the suction end of the ‘custom on-board waste vegetable oil filter’ :has heating elements for when(in Mass) the VO is solid.

When I jumped into the WVO thing 12-13 years ago(when,as noted, you could still get free oil), I researched it extensively. The volvo injection pump is fairly finicky: it will NOT accept the abuse gracefully. I REALLY wanted one of these because Mercedes 300x w/ 3rd pedal is almost unobtainium.

The lunacy shall never truely die!

Not a huge fan of the brown-on-beige either, but it’s WAY better than all the edgie ‘tribal’ graphics and >>EXTREME<< everything that was seemingly everywhere before the downturn. My work is on 220 in SW Virginia: every Martinsville NASCAR race weekend I have to take Dramamine to keep the food on the inside!

HST reference?

Rode in one of those recently. I’m sure>my< eyes looked somewhat like that-except with more fear. And lust.

RX-8 for me as well. A friend who is into form over function bought an early manual one figuring he could learn to use 3 pedals on it. I gave him my spare Subaru for a week instead(1800 clutch quoted for the RX vs like 160 and a few hours for mine). So I got to borrow the 8 whenever. Only twice: a date, and once to

Way worse ways to die. He was 72 and had cancer. On the way home from a bar he often quickly left because of discomfort. We will prob never know after 9 years, but he could already been dead when he hit the water.

Very timely question! My b.i.l. just got a very serious car: ~6lb/hp and no traction control. We both had to further tighten shoulder harnesses when he went off-throttle. Intimidating to say the least. He says I can drive it sometime, but after slamming against the rev-limiter in his s/c Z3 M-Coupe, I know I’ll be

AWD Mini?