
I daily-ed, hooned, and generally drove the hell out of Roo’s for 17 years: still miss my 87 GL 4wd wagon with the everything-but-alternator-delete & 32/36 Weber, but the new ones don’t have the eager/quirky lure to me. Dad bought a ‘15 and, well, it’s new & nice & all, but just doesn’t speak to me like the EA81s &


A gauge giving cylinder temp-switchable among the 5 cylinders. This would be helpfull on really cold mornings to tell me how many glow cycles before I can crank, and would be even better than an after-turbo pyrometer to keep an eye on over-fueling.

Yeah: I had a Sapporo. Bought it for 350, hooned it as hard as I could for about 8 months, sold it for 500. Handled pretty well-but the strut mounts weren’t up for Dukes of Hazard-type hoonage! Interesting suspension setup, and some sort of extra valve that would ‘kick in’ iirc.

What’s anti-American in this article? Admitting that many of us are crappy drivers? I found it to be an interesting reminder of how regimented Japanesse society is.

Lived in Nagasaki for a couple years, and there was a training/test course nearby. It was cheap entertainment to watch drivers on course. The amount of polite yelling by the instructors/graders was >very< entertaining. “Baka yado”( numbskull, damn fool) was thrown around quite a lot.

Ben’s guiding philosophy when it came to driving and passing was to just stay on the throttle, and the universe will sort of re-arrange itself to accommodate you, somehow. He maintained that it was when you let up that things got nasty.

...and there-right THERE-is the argument >for< rear drums!

Back in 2001, a bunch of smack talk resulted in 8-10 wives/gf’s driving the tow-rigs in an autocross. I was quite impressed at how well they did(the rigs,not the women: I already knew they could run circles around me!) considering how tight I felt the course was in my XT

I only have one gear to propose, and it’s a ‘WTH’?

...I derped there..

Virginia’s law includes a test&tune clause. My bil had antique tags on the 82 300TD when I bought it, but I put standard ones on because DD. Officers I asked said they would likely pull me over if I had it full of piano parts or they saw it at my work every day



The truely stupid part of Rollin Coal is that over-fueling makes it run hot, just like lean does for gas engines.

Once drove an old Subaru to Sears using vice grips on the steering shaft splines. Threads for locking nut were buggered, & I needed a tap&die to fix. Wheel wouldn’t stay in place w/ out the nut, iirc

I bought a ‘72 Fury-$500!- because I saw those when I test-drove it: went to pull out, saw them, went just around the block: “I’ll take it!”

Would be a great question over on xkcd

Seriously: please stop with the WD-40! Removing bumper stickers and keeping wasps from building nests is about all its good for. PB and Kroil actually work.

Since no one has mentioned it... My understanding is that many of the sharp creases and the flattened lips are the result of thinner body panels to reduce fuel consumption. The flimsy metal is much more prone to flutter due lack of rigidity. Those creases act as stabilization.