
Your argument is dumb and I think you know it’s dumb and, if you don’t, I’m here to tell you it’s a dumb argument.

Or focuses on the evidence rather than how his victims are dressed or how they speak....

Usually I don’t like the idea of someone serving jail time for a non-violent crime, but this could lead to people being ignored or dismissed after an assault. It’s too big for him not be made an example of, there has to be a message sent that this sort of behavior doesn’t just deserve a slap on the wrist...

$100,000 bond and the potential to face 3 years in prison is way overblown

Most of what we call food poisoning is infection or the result of infection, so it takes time for some organism to get comfy and multiply. Salmonella, for example, is a bacterial infection. Trichinosis is a worm. Botulism results from a toxin, but even it is built up in quantity by the botulinum bacteria that wants to

The only time I got true food poisoning, the onset was within a couple hours. That was from eating something tainted at a salad bar. Eating actually poisonous food, which seems like a high probability here, can straight-up kill you in those few hours.

I think that would be the case for something like e-coli, but it looks like this might be a case of morels that weren’t actually morels. Mushrooms can fuck you up, yo.

Real victims of real hate crimes really appreciate it, Jussie.

Using your celebrity to be an activist and shine a light on injustice can be a brave, and positive thing.

What!?!? Holy cow. That’s some next level spin zone. Jussie Smollett is a piece of garbage. He’s not some crusader shining light on injustices. He orchestrated this whole thing to raise his profile in a desperate attempt to not be written off a TV show. A hero he is not. He’s a race baiting jack wagon, and I hope they

You are assuming he did this as some kind of social justice warrior and not a maybe B list actor seeking publicity.

“I haven’t had a good hate-crime against me in a while. Better make one up to keep the fight against hate-crime going!”

Are you out of your mind?  Sometimes gay people and black people REALLY get attacked.  This guy faked it and bragged about how he ‘fought back’.  This guy is an absolute disgrace.

Accept that doesn’t appear to have been his motive. If it were, there are better, non-criminal ways to work toward that end.

Except thats not how it will work out. Now every actual hate crime will be met with even more skepticism. He has single handedly put back dealing with hate crimes more then any hate group could have ever hoped to with his reckless false allegations.

Lol this comment might take the cake. How is this being brave when he’s fucking over loads of people that are victims of hate crimes? He’s making matters worse, not shining a light on them. He needs to go away for all the damage he’s done.

I, too, would never be brave enough to stage a fake hate crime, file a false police report, and re-victimize every real victim by making it that much harder to be believed in the future.

“I would never be brave enough to do what Jussie did. He put his personal freedom at stake and shined a light into some dark corners that need cleaning. In a way, I’m proud of him. Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.