scortius the charioteer

It’s the best song Gordon Lightfoot never wrote.

I give him a pass for having the balls to take on the Mail, the Sun, the Mirror, etc over there when they had the phone hacking scandal.  Those rags are all huge pieces of shit.

His turn in Spy is one of the most hilarious things ever to happen in a Paul Feig movie.

Quantumania is fine.  It’s a perfectly fine mid Marvel movie.  Many of the films on the best and worst list are just ok.  Best? Worst? This listicle sucks.

at least he didnt take them down.  But that remains to be seen I suppose.

take your star..

Putting this twat in charge of my beloved Hammers... Mind you, he can’t do worse than Avram Grant.

The Syril Karn of Twitter has been found apparently.

so he’s Nacho Libre?

Also Yeti in The Firm (1989)  He’s a guy I’m always happy to see pop up in random stuff.

Always sad I won’t get more deadpan Bill Tench.

I would watch that for sure

What was Johnny Rockets closed?

yeah it was more like congrats your TVs are either shit, or you have no idea how to adjust the picture.

Yes to all of this.  Mr Robot might be my favorite show ever.  Metropolis is an incredible movie.

Tanya Roberts in Beastmaster.

Linda is almost completely unfettered id.

To be fair, no one ever has been as good at mixing those 2 things in news items as Sean O’Neal.

thanks a lot Traffic, for ushering in the Mexico Coffee Filter Lens Tint

We could have had Sweet Victory. NEVER FORGET.  Also, Shania Twain is fucking corny.  Always has been.