scortius the charioteer

The Flavians and Domitian in particular are interesting in that they seem to have been the only ones to understand at that point that the pretensions of Augustus’s Principate were just that, and that the reins of power were there to be seized. Domitian did much to root out corruption and graft among the Senatorial

You could also pair this with The Education of Sonny Carson (can be streamed free on Youtube)

B- incoming

The Responder is great.  Super tense.

Jonathan Silverman may be the most unnecessary actor of his era.

And it will almost make you root for the burglars.

I remember when they tried to do this to C-Bo back in the 90s.  

If this is supposed to be Caracalla and Geta, then yes these are 2 of the worst emperors in Roman history, who did much to start the plunge into the crisis that was most of Rome’s 3rd century.

Zemeckis seems to be the king of making movies with technology that isn’t quite ready, just ready enough to freak us all the fuck out.  I’d say this is only in the last 20 years or so but he really always has been this guy, it’s just worked out better on his older stuff.

I loved him in Disclosure, where he plays a very specific type of CEO scumbag, he’s really excellent even if the movie is not.

I do not need Josh Gad.  Ever.

I would actually like this to be a plot point, if this thing is actually being made.

Life Stinks didn’t do it for you?  

I mean even the original, which I have a soft spot for is wildly uneven, although it’s got some really funny bits.

a family member of mine is married to a Mongol biker. She is his “old lady”. It’s odd all their old ladies that she hangs out with (its very insular) have the exact same stereotypical look. He seems a nice enough regular guy, but I have no idea what he actually does for a living and I’m not sure I want to given their

this is what people say after every interaction or interview with Patrick Stewart.  He really is delightful.

what’s with the realtor make up?  

Yeah I love that movie. It’s a who’s who of phenomenal character actors plus Henr Fonda and then Lumet’s increasingly claustrophobic direction really adds to the whole thing.  It’s a really great play/movie.

This is Ed Begley Sr erasure and I won’t stand for it.