
I wish Kinja had an unstar button.

This is one of those things that the importance of, does depend on what you need a suit for. If the only time you are going to wear a suit is to your son or daughter's wedding, or to a friend's funeral, then most of the people you deal with are not going to be concerned with whether it's an exact fit.

I'm actually quite content with how the show's running so far. Let's see - we had someone who almost blew up in an airport was it? And then we had an uber weapon which blew out a chunk of the bus. And then we almost had a part of a country torn apart, and the stinger for that was interesting.

Now playing

Agents of Shield is doing it right. Tony Stark is going to be in the next episode and it's still Robert Downey Jr.and Samuel L Jackson popped in for an ending in the second episode. The movies are probably going to be interwoven into this narrative in a way never seen previously in cinema history and the episodes are

Those of you people who don't like the series just stop watching it and don't post your crap about it. I'm loving every episode so far. Don't know what you fools are expecting. Just get over yourselves - please!

Can't get over excited at this...feels like grasping at straws.

The increase in revenue from concerts is quite misleading as ticket costs have increased far more than the cost of album purchases. It does not imply that more people are going to concerts, just that there is more revenue from that source.

Never a big fan of casting the same person in two popular and classic roles at the same time, to be honest.

Couldn't agree more. But the "Firefly" theme song is awesome and perfect, I don't care what anyone says!


When 5thE came out, I said I wished Besson would do more sci-fi. He's got the eye for the gendre and creating 'big worlds'.

I'm creating an Antisocial Network for introverts. Connect to the host server at

That first Iron Man animatic scene needed to open IM3 somehow. That sequence (even in animatic form) was better than the whole of IM3.

For me, external storage is less about archiving and more for restoration purposes. I'm one of those people who, every once in a while (usually about 1-2 times a year), likes to reinstall the OS and get a fresh start. Rather than continually cleaning up my files, throwing out stuff I don't want/need anymore, I like to

In other news, Why the hell do people keep changing the format of a perfectly good website?

Man I have to say the old one looked much better. This iOS style doesn't translate well onto the web.

Cave Johnson here. I'm happy to report the boys down in Rocket Science came up with a solution for the global warming problem: shoot a nuke right at the Sun! Supposed to slow down fusion or something. All very technical, egghead stuff. Bean counters didn't like it. Said it wasn't "cost-effective" or "ethical". Did it

You know, for a while, I've been just responding to all of Charlie Jane's "what's the best" prompts with excuses to recommend Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. So maybe just this one time, I'll give that a rest (still, those books are awesome, you gize, read them please).