
Safari on Mac is very inconsistent with page loading. 1 out of every 10-20 pages won't load. Progress bar gets ~25% and then stops. Sometimes reload works and sometimes I can't get the page to load at all. Unacceptable.

"and it feels like a more mature browser despite the fact that it's older."

:) I think the word fatalistic is indeed a little overboard. I may argue the notion of life itself being predetermined, but I'm not going to apply that consideration to a minor fashion choice. Haha!


Fatalistic? Being a little dramatic aren't we?

A lot of this depends on your body shape. Not everyone has the athletic build that most suits are designed for.

I'll see for myself in a week or so. Hoping for the best!

That's what I'm counting on. I want to see it on someone else's phone first. (Maybe I'll take a trip to my local Apple Store.) But I have seen some screenshots of the actual GM and I don't like they way they look either.

I know this sounds shallow, but I'm not sure I want to upgrade because I can't stand the way it looks. iOS 6 is refined and polished...professional. iOS 7 looks like pastel candy for a teenager.

Well, not personally. But I have been around those of malicious intent when they are doing their misdeeds. I don't hang around them any more. But it shows me that if a few within my own limited circle try to pry into others' lives, then the number across the world is legion.

I re-read my previous comment and realized my last sentence was written in poor taste. I apologize. That's not how I like to come across. Sorry!

I read your post. Those may be reasons you want to track someone. But they're not reasons someone would want to be tracked by you.

Yes, ever since Hostess Brands incorporated earlier this year. :)

Why in the world would I want to be tracked? I would never willingly allow that.

Concrete on top of wood looks nice. Concrete on top of those spindly wire legs...bad choice.

I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. — Woody Allen

So, white chili isn't chili?

:) I don't take anything personally. But I do love to debate.

History? What are you taking about? Chili refers to the peppers and spice blend that is used, not what meat is in it or the inclusion of beans. Just look at "white chili." Beans, yes. Chicken, yes. But it's still considered chili because of the peppers (green chilies) and spices.

You guys missed the point. I wasn't listing Wikipedia as a factual authority, rather a source of common perception. Most people hold that chili is chili whether or not it contains beans. This isn't just my opinion. It's also the opinion of every chili manufacturer at any market and any restaurant you visit