
I don't know if you're doing that from an ecological perspective, but financially speaking, you're not saving any money. The only three appliances that will save you noticeable money by shutting them off are the air conditioner, water heater, and refrigerator. You could shut off every other appliance in your house

Agreed. That was my reply to Gryphoneer.

It's not that kind of trilogy. Perhaps 'series' would be a better word. Consecutive films on a similar topic. I don't think there is any actual connection between writers, directors, or producers.

Hackers 2 was also called Takedown. Hackers 3 was called Antitrust in the US and was much better than 2. (Tim Robbins, Ryan Phillipps, Rachel Leigh Cook, Claire Forlani).

I seriously doubt that common dental problems like cavities, gingivitis, and enamel decay have anything to do with our propensity to rinse.

I wonder if this has changed over the years. Were the movie posters in the 70's or the TV ads in the 80's using the same color palette? I'll bet not. My guess is that the palette changes over time.

I know from previous discussions here that Abrams is not the show-runner for most of his productions. But is he hiring the same guys to mess them up each time?

Oh, well that does sound more reasonable. Those things are damn-near impenetrable.

No good. A few rebels, two droids, a large wookie, and a small platoon of Ewoks could take out the whole thing. Implausible as that may sound, I've seen it happen before.

Again, that's what I said. I have no problem with you repeating my comments, but is there a point?

?? That's what I just said. A rate of 2.0 will result in a stable population when considering birth rates alone. But there are always other population factors at play, like mortality, sterility, immigration, emigration, etc.

I'm not sure you have the correct picture. America's birth rate is lower than the world average and dropping.

Aren't the latter episodes of Star Wars about Leia? If so, wouldn't that make her the lead character?

STAR TREK: Why is the Enterprise being tasked with police work? I'm sure Abrams will work in some connection (maybe he already has), but why send in the flagship of your fleet to track down a fugitive? That's not in the mission of the Enterprise.

Well, I'm not looking for blame, so much as why Abram's shows have a tendency to meander. Perhaps he taps the same people to be his showrunners? Or perhaps that's just the nature sci-fi TV shows. Thanks for the explanation!

Gotcha. Abrams is the concept/idea/front man for these series. The showrunner, currently Wyman, decides on story arc and plot. The writers script the individual episodes in order to fit the first two.

Thanks. And this information really does help me.

I'm sorry that my ignorance is tiring you. It's not like they offer a class on this in high school.

While that does provide more information, it doesn't really clear anything up for me. I am truly ignorant when it comes to tv show and movie production. (And I thought politics was confusing.)

Hmm. Well then I guess I have no idea what a producer does. I would have thought that since his name is at the top, he would want to have oversight and final say. But if he really has little to do with the shows, then I guess he's relatively unimportant. Who then has final say on the story arc and the direction