
It’s amazing what you won’t find when you don’t look for it.

“I’m both richer and smarter than Trump, so I’m a shoo-in,” said bowl of shredded wheat and lukewarm tap water.

Your argument, and supported data and figures, simply blew me away. I’m now a believer. Keep the preach train rolling brotha!

Assault you say...

“Ordinary people were trying to hold us accountable! Can you imagine?”

More or less. The trailer adds double the battery, but it also adds weight and aero drag. He gave a number for the actual miles per kwh he was getting, but I’m not a math whiz, so it could be infinity miles for all I can tell. 

Even Conway deserves better.

Fuckin-A Dems, just leak the shit and be done with it. 

As it becomes more and more difficult to say Blackout Bart’s name, can we just replace his name with a symbol perhaps?

I understand how she feels. I’d love to pretend that Sarah Huckabee Sanders never happened. 

I *think* this is a not very good wait/weight joke.

A United States senator comes out and flatly says he will not listen to the people he’s supposed to be representing, without any fear of consequences. A sitting president holds rallies and calls supporters of sexual assault victims “evil”. A Supreme Court nominee promises a straight up political war, with plenty of

Africa is China’s China. While the US gets itself into trade wars based on economic assumptions from 20 years ago China has been looking to the future by heavily investing in Africa. Chinese companies have been building factories in Africa for some time now. They loan money to African nations without the strings

So I guess you could say people in Morocco know how to build African car.

Let’s put aside the sexual assault allegations for just a moment (and I believe Dr. Ford—certainly much moreso than I believe Kavanaugh’s denials—but I’m coming to a point), and consider only the character of Judge Kavanaugh as revealed in his testimony last Thursday.

Some where there is a giant building, possibly built in the brutalist style. In these building are teams of men who work tirelessly to create cruel blonde women for Fox News in tubes.

I’m 100% sure of this.

Why is Bernie Sanders the first Senator to ask for a perjury investigation? What the fuck is wrong with the Democratic leadership that they didn’t demand this immediately?

Yeah, weird that people would interpret an accumulation of accusations as additional evidence of misconduct rather than remain in some imaginary state of reserved judgment.