
And who the fuck had a calendar in High School, let alone kept it for the last 36 years?!? 

Yesterday I had a discussion on the Washington Post with a guy who said he would vote for anyone (Trump, Kavanaugh, etc) that promised to end the evil murder of innocent babies. I posed a question to him that he refused to answer. If your position is so moral and ethical why can’t you seem to find a person of good

The whole burnout u-turn preceding that on a public road without taking the time to make sure there was no one coming makes him a douchebag.

I you can’t see shit then maybe you shouldn’t be mashing the throttle and doing a u turn blindly across the road.

With all due respect, your mom’s an idiot. 

Make America Grain Alcohol


Don’t tape me bro!


Oh man that look when his dead eyes get live with panic is just...delicious. I could snack on that all day.

If by white collar career, you mean stacking shirts at JC Penney’s, then maybe.

You can see the guy’s white-collar career flash before his eyes the moment he realizes he’s been caught on video screaming racial epithets.  

He got better

They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!

Clearly it’s not the first time he’s refused to withdraw.

The 'alternative' best people!

And there I was thinking lying to the FBI is a crime. Silly me.

Her uncle contacted the local police and county sheriff’s offices, which launched an investigation but closed it after two months”

Love to see these fuckers outed. If every man’s dirty secret was exposed, society as we know it would implode. We have a way of life built on the tacit agreement that we protect male sexual predators.

I hope Susan Collins realizes that the people who are flooding her office with rape and death threats are the same people who support the party she’s a member of.