Seriously, look at the contrast in color between hand and face (and I’m talking top of the hand). Those aren’t even in the same row at the paint samples rack at Lowe’s.
This guy is a neo-Nazi, but not just a neo-Nazi one of the most active and rabid of the bunch. I must have flagged at least four or five of his Twitter accounts, he was always a big network node that I kept an eye on. I didn’t realize he was part of The Right Stuff, a neo-Nazi website that was engaging in coordinated…
Is 20% just the tip?
He’s going to be crushed during discovery when he finds out that the Devin Nunes’ Mom account is real.
“Well, you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein replied.
Thanks for showing the difference between you and your republican colleagues Diane.
After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.
He’s right about Chicago. I got shot three times today just traveling back and forth to work. This is better than yesterday when I was shot five times. Send amberlamps, plzkthx.
Word out of Washington is that their plan was always to have him be John Steel Slats anyway.
I see lots of Superduty style pickups being used to haul 3-4 vehicle car carriers nowadays.
I do actually feel pretty bad for all the corn farmers because..........
“The results speak for themselves” Sarah is right but not for the reasons she thinks
I’m surprised he hasn’t gone blind.
Well, to be fair, Sean Hannity’s show ain’t going to watch itself.